The Petz Files


November 2008

Too all you petz fans, you've made TPF one of the best sites there is. Since 1999 The Petz Files has been bringing you quality petz through our kennels, breeding programs and affiliate sites. We are constantly updated, and always striving to make this your ultimate place to adopt and enjoy petz.
I will be updating the site, which hasn't been accessed since 2006. This includes finding all my old petz from the computer crash that stopped production here. We are going to feature more mixed breeds, but will have to shut our Breeding Guild down because of the time invested into it to keep it running. We will still offer Dam/Stud Programs, but will probably decrease (or just keep) the ones up there now and feature many more adoptions of pure and mixed origins.

Last Updated: November 10| Portion Updated: Main Page| Site of the Week: Sunday Morning

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I'm against stealing!

Copyrighted of Š Your Place for Dogz, Catz, and everything in between. The Petz Files is not affiliated with UBI Software's Game, Petz 5, in any 'official' way.
Any further questions feel free to Contact The Webmaster.

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