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Welcome to Clan Afghanistan!

We are a new central asian clan based in Sweden! We know how to quake cuz we have grown up in a country where there has been fighting going on since 1978. We hope to get some non afghan members too since we are willing to teach up some small boys to real quakers!


2001-06-07  .:Updated Site :.

Updated with this site with some newe functions and we hope we to have the whole site finnished soon! Still some sections are under construction but (Väntar man på något gott så väntar man inte för länge.... tror jag att det var ?? ) :)


2001-06-05  .:New Site Up:.

Finally we have a site up and running! We would like members of Clan Afghanistan to send us suggestions and comments regarding this layout and if you can contribute with somethig we would appreciate it!


All material copyright © Clan Afghanistan 2001