Hello. Welcome to The Lemming Continent. By now you are probably wondering what this is all about. It's quite simple. I'm creating a universe. I'm taking those critters and expanding their potential. Why am I doing this? Well a couple reasons. First off I loved the original Lemmings series. But it lacked depth. There wasn't really a point to saving those guys in the first place. It could have been approached differantely. One such example was Adventures of Lomax for the Playstation. It was pretty unique but didn't catch on that well. So I decided to create a storyline. While the original storyline was very basic mine will (hopefully) fill in all the gaps. Secondly, for some odd reason I can't stop drawing lemmings. It's all I've been able to do for 2 years. But since the first drawing I've updated the characters and added an almost anime style to them. Finally, this page's purpose is to get the attention of Psygnosis. This series has great potential if it's executed properly. I want to help them. However they don't have an actual e-mail address (aside from thier technical support and jobs addresses) to write to. So hopefully someone will pass on the message to them of this page and possibly turn this into a game. We'll just have to see.   
News And Updates...
NEWS:8-17-01: WHAT HELL 2 YEARS AND NO UPDATE? Ok I ended up putting this whole game idea on the back burner. Here's why. About 2 months ago. I got to approach Robert Leffler, the Associate Licensing and Development manager for Licensing and Character Development. Anyways I was supposed to pitch an idea for the Lemmings Continent game to him. But when I got to actually trying to plan it out it didn't really work like I had hoped. Actually I had been throwing around an idea to make this into a movie. So that's what I'm gonna do. I've got the first 15 minutes planned out along with a few sequances in the middle and somewhat of an end. I done a little more artwork and some character designs but basically this whole project is on hold for now. Why? Because I was the only person supporting this project. So I guess I'll be the only one to reap the benefits in the end of this all. But if anything else changes it will be posted here. ENJOY. The only link working as of now is the gallery. Be sure to check that out.
Questions or Comments...

NEWS:2-24-99: OH MY GOD THERE'S AN UPDATE!!! Well Ok, maybe not an update but I'll fill everyone in on the situation. So far my help is unavailable. So it's just me. That plus about only 10 hours of work time per week is what's delaying the progress. I have some more pictures in progress for the art gallery. I've been experimenting with 3D, with little luck however. But oh well. But the major news is I was contacted by one of the lead programmers at Psygnosis and he really likes the concept. Well anyways be patient I plan on doing a large update by April 1, so keep an eye out.

Oh yeah, Hello to those art classes that are visiting me form CSU Chico.


Tell me what you like/dislike, it would really help out a whole lot.
UPDATE 1-25-99 Story Section concept underway.
What does that mean? Origionally the story section was going to be just like a book. Now it will appear as a manga comic. So far it's just myself and my friend Justin. But we might be join by my other friend Grace, who is the
BEST artist ever. We can only hope she joins up. OH pleeeeeease, we beg of you!!! . :)

Due to harsh working conditions at my abyse of no return...err...I mean job. The updates will be small, however I will try to keep all those who visit updated on our progress. Almost forgot, the Lemming form is coming. Be sure to fill it out so that you can appear in the story. Credit will be given. Besides what fun would a world be with only a few people in it. Also there doesn't seem to be any fan art :( Oh well. Alright, until next update, take care.
UPDATE: 1-04-99: Story and Fan Pages are not up yet. 8 pictures added to the ART GALLERY
Want to be a character in the story? I'm going to setup a form for character submission. This will happen after the story page comes up. You will need to come up with basic character features (eye color, hair color, hair style, clothing, etc.) and background (tribe affiliation and how he/she meets up with or aids the main character). A select few will even be drawn into the story.

Calling all artists!
There's a Fan Art section with no fan art. We need art. Send me your art via E-mail to this address. Nightmare Hunter@Yahoo.com.

Send out the word!!!
Does anyone know anybody at Psygnosis. The development staff prefered if so E-mail them about the site or get me an E-mail address and I'll E-mail them. And if this goes big like I hope it does, you will be compensated for your help.
Legal Mumbo Jumbo:   Lemmings, Adventures Of Lomax, and Psygnosis are trademarks and are copyrighted by 1998 Psygnosis, Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Playstation is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.