MunchCom President and C.E.O. Leonard Sikes: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, kind of like drinking urine.”
What is MunchCom?
   MunchCom is a multi-national conglomerate of unaffiliated corporations, government agencies and various cartels, as well as treaty and non-profit organizations all operating toward opposing and/or unrelated goals.
   Based in Tarpon Springs, Fla., MunchCom has returned to the world of international affairs after a two-year absence due to a misunderstanding with the local authorities. 
   Founded in the late 1990s, MunchCom has been in continuous operation since the beginning of the time. 
   No Sympathy for the Devil …
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Oh, the memories
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MunchCom is a registered trademark of MunchCom Furniture Inc.
Copyright circa 1997
No rights reserved
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Nick got a diploma?