Larla awaits her knight

**still standing on the edge of the light, not quite wanting to leave you see your hostess Larla, dart from the same room as before and go to the base of a large stone statue just out side the front door. Very patiently she leans against the stone, as if waiting for something..or someone**

Dorian arrives

**Slowly out of the mist a man appears. He stands at 6'4. Looking up from the shadow he does not at first see her. His face is a hard mask, silver eyes glinting in the night air. His long raven hair is pulled back in a sleek pony tail. He is a big man, of bone and muscle, built as the warriors of old. A great feeling of forboding radiates from him, power seeming to crackle around him. Around his form sit robes marked with the symbols of Tzmisce.**

**Larla rushes to her beloved husband, holding him tightly, ushering him into their place. She casts not a look in your direction, all thoughts on the plans she has made since rising. Prince Dorian on the other hand does notice you but he too is eager to follow Larla. The door closes most of the way, stopped from complete closure by an impatient hand. Laughter and soft words can be heard coming from the room. If you steps closer, taking a small peek......**

**Larla raises her head glancing at you, a ferial look in her eyes...a soft voice, her voice intrudes into your brain. "If I were you I would go now..or do not and stay....forever" She re-lowers her head, replacing it on her beloveds neck, blood softly dripping from her mouth and down his exposed back, the same coming from her shoulder where he too gives her his sweet "kiss"**

The Foyay

Mysty Dreams