Welcome to my home page!

It may seem small but it's all I have right now.

It was last updated October 15, 2000.

About myself My Stories Links Page Pirate Cove home
This link will take you to the tradegy that is my life. I have writen several short stories, many of which were written in school for a grade. After a brief visit here, you can hope a ride upon my link page. They are composed of pages I regularly go to. Some more often than others. This is the future home for my TaleSpin. It is currently under construction, but please view it every once and awhile to see if anything new appears.
If you would like for me to at least visit your site or if you have any comments that will improve this page or others of mine, please submit it.

Your name

and your web page location. (ex. http://www.yourpage.com)

Thank you for your time and considerations... even the bad ones.