Brad and Mysterio had managed to be a great distance from the danger of the reverse virus. But for some reason there was more to it; how could they not even be infected. Do they have a natural protection from the virus?
Without them knowing, I did a viral check. I was surprised with the results; they had it, but they weren't infected! That ment that either they were human or they had an antibody to prevent it.
"I know you check us for it and you now want answers. Right?" Brad asked.
"You read my mind," I laughed. "So, how could you have it without being infected?"
"Well, I'm not no exception to the rule." Mysterio told. "You see, I'm actually known as 'Poacher John'. I ran to this place to hid among the race I created. If I kept your ability a secret, this wouldn't have happened. So to help get rid of the guilt, I came here to live among them; but hid my face behind a mask."
"I was once human." Brad told me. "That's why I wasn't infect. I turned my back on humanity years ago and wore this full body panther costum. I hoped for a better life than the one when I lived on Earth as a human."
"Ok, now that's settled, we need to get the others and take them back to the Lion's Paw. It our only objective. We need to hurry or all is lost."
I removed the bio suit and the three of us when down the hall to find the others. Luckily they were all in one room. It was hard for us to get them to stay quiet, but with a little presuasion they sounded like no one else was in there.
I noticed something strange about Strike and Ryan, their canines had inlarged. They resembled sabertoothes now; it must have been caused by the McBain Project. This was aweful if they were now sabertoothes, how would they react when and if we get them back to normal.
I comtacted the Lion's Paw, "Guys, we found them, but I'm afraid that some of them had become sabertoothes. Lock onto my location and teleport everyone in the room back to the ship. We're coming home!"
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