Once there was thirteen of them to chose from, but now there is only seven to form a team with. One problem came to my attention: we had no cheetahs on the team. The power of the armors will not be strong enough without a cheetah in command of the Cheetah Armor.
"Where to next, Chester?" Alpha pondered.
"I don't know, maybe we should try to find a cheetah to command the Cheetah Armor."
"Why don't you to fill it?" Ty suggested.
"I can't do that, I came here to train you to take over my duties. You see, I've been doing this for too long and I need someone to replace me. So far, you guys are my replacements."
Tim turned away and began to walk away, "I'm not good enough to be on the team. I'll be no different than when I was on football: uncontrolable."
"You came so far, this is the environment in which you need."
"I made up my mind. If you try to stop me, I won't be accountable for my actions." Tim ran out of the ship as the doors slid open. I tried to talk him out it but Leo told me to let him go. If he doesn't want stay, then don't stand in his way.
"Is there any one else that wants to leave?" I asked. Everyone shock their head, apprently they wanted to remain. An improvement must be made before we left.
I went to where the armor were place. I grabbed left over matterials from armors that that were destroyed or damaged beyond repair. I melted them down and with the use of Ryan's messurements several molds were created. The liquid metal were poared into the molds. Once cooled they were shaped and painted to look like a fansy upgrade to the lion armor, but with one exception: it was a sabor-tooth armor. With the last of the metal a steel coin was molded and enchanted to summon the armor.
Ryan came in and saw what I've been busy working on. He enjoyed the thought of the armor being specially designed for him, but he questioned why it was being built.
"Like I told you, an improvement is needed and a series of saber-tooth armors will be a milestone in our journey and in my legacy. I added a new helmet and attitional firepower for each armor when they use the new saber-tooth enhancements."
"That's not much of an improvement, but an improvement nevertheless."
"Thanks... I think."
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