Historical Sightings:-
6 BC, Bethlehem: It is believed that the star which guided the three wise men to the birthplace of Jesus, was actually a UFO. Biblical reports say it was able to stop and start, and hover above the manger i.e a controllable object. Was it a UFO or an act of God? |
1883, Marfa, Texas:
unusual lights began appearing above the skies of Marfa , Texas, and continue to be seen to this day. They are described as balls of bright light which can be seen in the sky. They can also change colour and dance in the air. |
1996, Southampton, England:
A woman claimed to have been abducted from her house by "grey" aliens. She recalled experiments where a tube was placed in hjer navel, and during regression therapy revealed that she was abducted every seven years. The experiments suggests the aliens were taking her to get her ova. |
Area 51. What is concealed within? |
Dreamland, or Area 51 as it is better known, is probably one of the most notorious sites in Ufology.It is believed that Area 51 is located inside the Groom lake Air force base.The base used to be able to be seen from the freedom ridge mountain range, but the US military soon put a stop to that by buying up the surrounding land. The US government says that the base doesnt eist, which suggests that there is definitely something going on within the perimeter of the base. millions of dollars have been spent on surveillence equipment and trying to keep the base a secret from the general public. It is believed that the UFO from the Roswell crash is being kept there, and a body of one of the occupants.
Will we ever know what is in that place? |
The Chupacabras: In 1995 there were strange reports of creatures about 3 to 5 ft tall, with huge red eyes, spinal fins, a long appendage that folds inside its mouth, sharp fangs, three long sharp claws and wings like a bats. It attacks animals on the island of Puerto Rico. It sucks the blood of goats. In some cases it has even sucked the internal organs from its prey.Some islanders say they have been attacked by this creature , although thankfully none of these assaults have resulted in fatalities. These creatures will remain a mystery until one of them is finally caught, and that may be a while yet. |