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Dear Friend,
Welcome, and thank you for visiting The Station. There are pictures in the Gallery that you may view, and there is a Puzzles page that you may also view (or print from). I'm sorry that The Station is not very interesting, but I am rather uncreative and it is difficult for me to think of things to put here. Anyway, I hope you will find what you came to see.


Wednesday 10.03.2004 The Puzzles page was added today. So far there is only one word search puzzle. I don't think I'll have another for atleast a week. The next one might not even be a word search!

Tuesday 09.03.2004 Today I've set up The Station again. Hopefully it's more interesting than it once was. It is very hot today, so I was in a rather calm mood. That's my excuse for the way things look.

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Last updated 10 March 2004.