The BakerCraft Library

    The BakerCraft Reference Book
  1. Apprentices
  2. Journeymen
  3. Staff
  4. Skills
  5. Teaching
  6. Interviews
  7. Journeyman Projects
    Martin's Cookbook
  1. Pot Roasted HerdBeast
  2. Hearty Heardbeast Stew
  3. Bubbly Pies
  4. Whole Wheat Bread
  5. Benden BaKlava
  6. OOC Copyright Notice
  7. Ingredients
    Michel's Journeyman Scroll
  1. Introduction to Herbs and Spices
  2. Non-Alcoholic Drinks
  3. Alcoholic Drinks
  4. Drinks That Could Be Non-Alcoholic or Alcoholic
  5. Notes on the Scroll

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