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Posted by - Darkseide: 09/14/06 - September 14th, 2006: Work has resumed on the site. Dead Rising, Armored Core: Formula Front, and LocoRoco are to blame. Props to Gunmetal1597 for complaining until I finally started to update. The official 501st Teamspeak server is now located at:, and is running once more. The Active roster currently consists of: Darkeseide, Gunmetal1597, Uberghost, and Uglyloser. All other members are on the Inactive Roster.

Posted by - Darkseide: 09/02/06 - September 2nd, 2006: Work will resume on the site shortly. Xbox 360 (DEAD RISING, anyone?) is blamed for the delay, as well as the PSP.

Posted by - Darkseide: 06/23/06 - June 23rd, 2006: The official 501st Teamspeak server is located at:
Update: All stats have been updated. Certain players have additional information on their pages (I.E., Last battle, reason for being inactive), and added the link to the currently incomplete "Clan Themes" page.

Posted by - Darkseide: 06/20/06 - June 20th, 2006: Update: Added "Gold/Silver/Bronze" medals to the list, will list how many of each has been obtained. Updated Gunmetal1597's stats. Added ribbon and award information to pages. Adding in "theme" song information as well. Possible layout changes on member pages. Obviously the result of a madman.

Posted by - Darkseide: 06/18/06 - June 18th, 2006: From North Carolina, please welcome Gunmetal1597, the newest member of the 501st. He's pretty cool, and has a band.

Posted by - Darkseide: 06/12/06 - June 12th, 2006: Updated stats for "Kr0gath".

Posted by - Darkseide: 06/11/06 - June 11th, 2006: Updated stats for active Clan Members. Updated stats for "Krogath" as well.

Posted by - Darkseide: 06/10/06 - June 10th, 2006: Added "Krogath" and "Kr0gath" to Darkseide's and Uberghost's pages, respectively. They are secondary accounts NOT part of the 501st. Darkseide and Uberghost are huge Total Annihilation fans.

Posted by - Darkseide: 06/08/06 - June 8th, 2006: Updated the roster page by adding a section for "Active" members (people who actually PLAY), and a section for "Inactive" members (people who are playing WoW instead of BF2. We are also talking about recruiting. If you have noticed that all new and old posts both has a "Posted by" tag, this is because Uberghost also has access to the account controlling the website, and can post updates or random comments if he choses.

Posted by - Darkseide: 06/06/06 - June 6th, 2006: 666. Are you scared? Updated "In-Clan Rankings", and individual member pages. Changes to member pages include: Status (Active or Inactive), Favorite weapons/maps/class/etc (Taken from And remember, it's ONLY a number. I could tell you some funny stories I've heard that are related to this number.

Posted by - Darkseide: 06/01/06 - June 1st, 2006: 616. Scared? Confused? Let me explain. In certain versions of the Holy Bible, in the book of Revelations (my favorite, by the way), when the mark of the Beast (666) is mentioned, there is normally a reference number to the bottom of the page, where a footnote says: "Also recorded as 616". {Note: You'll never again see me mention the Bible on this site.

Posted by - Darkseide: 05/29/06 - May 29th, 2006: A quiet and slow takeover of Clan Leadership was orcestrated by Darkseide and Uberghost, who are now the "Co-Clan Leaders". Also, Darkstalkers character Anakaris was installed as Clan's mascot. When asked to comment on being the Clan's Mascot, Anakaris said: "Anakaris! The Supreme Pharoah has awakened! All hail the Imperial... Pudding! There are lizards in my pants." We declined to ask any further comments.

Posted by - Darkseide: 05/22/06 - May 22nd, 2006: Well, somebody on Wikipedia didn't like our Wiki for some reason, so it was taken down. So I removed the link, since it didn't go anywhere. Also, I removed all "BF2S" Clan Member links, since BF2S seems to be very behind in stats. Since I prefer Formitron anyways, we'll be using that to track our stats. Clan goings are slow right now, as we are distracted by things (Escaflowne, my Xbox 360, and other stuff).

Posted by - Darkseide: 05/19/06 - May 19th, 2006: Updated individual member pages to reflect the current point totals needed to get to the next rank. Added a link to the new Clan Wiki page.

Posted by - Darkseide: 05/12/06 - May 12th, 2006: Fixed an error on S7evin's link. Hadn't noticed that it was going to a "s7evin.html" instead of "S7evin.html". Proves that I don't know what I'm doing half the time, but then again, who the hell does?

Posted by - Darkseide: 05/11/06 - May 11th, 2006: Congratulations to Uberghost for ranking up to Gunnery Sergeant and I updated his page. Congratulations to Cyberx979 for ranking up to Sergeant and I updated his page as well. Also, New color font for the latest posts (It was getting annoying to have nothing but white...), and I am adding a "stat-tracker" to each member's page. No, not a real stat tracker, it's basically their progress towards the next rank, but it needs to be manually updated. *sighs* The new site hasn't begun construction yet. The Forum is also not doing much of anything.

Posted by - Darkseide: 04/30/06 - April 30th, 2006: We have recently purchased a new domain for the Clan site, and once we get the server up, will begin the process of rebuilding. However, until the new site is finished, this one will remain in place. I'm going to be adjusted some "Member" pages today. Also, we have a forum now, that will be attached to our new domain once the server is up as well. Currently, the forum is still undergoing changes. UPDATE: Added weapon unlock information and fixed a few rank errors. Also added a link to the Clan Forums down below.

Posted by - Darkseide: 04/25/06 - April 25th, 2006: The "Roster", "In-Clan Rankings" and "Member" pages have been updated, and several formatting errors were corrected. Currently working on a new section entitled "Humorous Clan Stuff", where we will put funny things that happened to various members of the Clan up for reading. Also, I will be added a "Weapons Unlocked" table to each Members' individual page, once I have a chance to do so.

Posted by - Darkseide: 04/12/06 - April 12th, 2006: Work on the site slowly continues. As of now, the "Information about the "501st" and the "In-Clan Rankings" pages are complete. Next up is the Member pages, which will take a little bit longer to do. And yes, I'm aware this site isn't going to be very good looking... Please... stop reminding me...

Posted by - Darkseide: 03/31/06 - March 31st, 2006: Wow... First update in quite a long time. The book has been placed on hiatus for quite some time now, and the site is now going to be the home of the "501st" Battlefield 2 Clan. Over the next few weeks/months, the layout of the site will be changed continously, until all the of information has been changed to reflect the new point of the site. Thank you for visiting over the years.

Questions? Comments? Flames? Bored? Email the Owner: Not available at this time.

Members of the "501st"

In-Clan Rankings of the "501st"

Information about the "501st"

 Clan Theme Music (Incomplete)

Save the Internet!

 Clan Forums

Here is where I keep my favorite "Total Annihilation" add-ons.