BY: Trunks SSJ
Hello Everyone, I'm uploading the previews of videos from the Buu Music Video Saga. They are pretty small at 1.3MB at the most. I'll have the Sacrifices preview up tomorrow night most likely. It still has some work to be done on it. You'll find the previews in the the Sites Yahoo Group under Files.

DBZ Media Group

Alrighty see you all later.

BY: Trunks SSJ
Hello Everyone, I'm uploading the previews of videos from the Buu Music Video Saga. They are pretty small at 1.3MB at the most. I'll have the Sacrifices preview up tomorrow night most likely. It still has some work to be done on it. You'll find the previews in the the Sites Yahoo Group under Files.

DBZ Media Group

Alrighty see you all later.






















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