~ Mi Sapientia ~

"Psyche was the Greek word for both'soul' and 'butterfly,' dating from the belief that human souls become butterflies while searching for a new reincarnation. The mythical romance of the maiden Psyche, beloved by the god Eros, was really an allegory of the soul's union with the body and of their subsequent separation. The Celts also believed in fly-souls and butterfly-souls which flew about . . . It is still said in Cornwall that the spirits of the dead take the form of white butterflies. . . The Chinese considered a jade butterfly the essential emblem of love, suggesting a wedding of souls. The most appropriate gift for a bridegroom to give his bride in China was a jade butterfly."
~ from Barbara G. Walker's
The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols & Sacred Objects

" When admiring a painting,
Don't examine the paint.
When meeting the artist,
Don't look at the brush. "
~ Deng Ming-Dao

~A Comparative Essay on Individuality~

" Trust in the power of stone.
Stone is strong;
stone shatters swords;
stone breaks bones.
Trust in stone. "
~ Lovisa Coldeyes,
Balduvian Cheiftain

Journal Entry ?-?-?

I once saw a movie by that title. It was about two boys who discovered that nature communicated. Either by glimpses of light, scattered moon or sun beams reflecting off in the water. The flicker of a flame, the patter of rain, the flow of the wind with its whistling and the buzz of insects. Through all this, one can glimps the communication of nature. This can only be seen as 'shimmers' in the night. For the ability to see and understand nature's language has been lost. We must learn to 'listen'.

" Without change,
Something sleeps inside us.
The sleeper must awaken! "
~ Dune

Grow sweet music,
cry summer
and whisper honey.
~ Aine Jacey
(when feeling sad, whisper these words)

Journal Entry 2-16-99

Where is my life going to take me, what's it going to be like? Am I going to do what I want to do and seperate myself from my family and become completely independent? Or am I going to become stuck? Do I need to take chances? But there is more risk involved! I'm afraid of going to far and falling back to nothing at all. What's life going to be? The running inbetween, the start and the settling down is a void, a mystery, unclear and the end is only my present dream.

Although they are

" Only breath, words
which I command
are immortal "
~ Sappho

Love At First Sight
"Love at first sight is the ultimate gut instinct.
It's a totally uniformed decision,
the kind people rarely make."
~ ? (a magazine)

Journal Entry 9-9-99

I read some where that human beings have reached the point where they can no longer evolve physically. The future evolution of humankind lies in the mind. Dr. Snowden, a philosophy prof., said, in explaining the consiousness, " You must become more aware if we are to evolve, we must evolve consciously". Humans have not reached their full mental compacity. And in order for one to achieve power of the mind, one needs to achieve power over the body. I would think that it would be v.s.; power of mind would allow power over the body. Isn't the mind the stronger of the two?

~The True Expression of Ideas~

" Spread Your Wings "
You can fly, you can soar,
There are no limits to the heights your dreams,
your aspirations and your truimphs can take you.
~ from . . . somewhere?

Please e-mail any responses,
provided that ::I politly ask::
'no flaming allowed'!

To the responses

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