Volume 2 of Vampyre Related poetry/quotes

"Can the victim love the blood-splashed jaws that rend them limb from limb?"

Death is more than the end of life: it is a rebirth. To wax poetical is fruitless, and to garner the temporal is folly. The curse of the blood bears a barb as wicked as any scimitar, for even in death the answers bespeak more questions.
We know the pain of being dead and yet still dying.
~quote taken from 'Vampire: The Dark Ages'

Vampires and Blood
I am,
In your subconscious,
Ever present, often ignored,
But there.
As surely as That which is the carrier,
Of Life, nea Immortality,
Flows though you body:
I am.
I am, The he/she who Feeds,
On the warm, red elixir of Life,
I drink.
I, that dread nosferatu:
I come to you, knowing your need.
I am Energy,
I am Sex, lust, desire:
I, Carnality,
Bite the flesh, drink the Sacred liquid.
When the great globe of burning, aging,
Ultraviolet radiation had gone,
Leaving behind the teeming millions to rest.
I arise.
My day is your night,
I stalk,
Those who will satisfy my need.
They scream, they beg, for mercy:
I must survive.
I drink.
I am Power.
Know that this treatise be true,
I am watching you, even now.
I see your eyes reading this page.
I look, and see the blood pulsing through your jugular,
Waiting for my hot breath on your neck,
The sharp, momentary pain, as my fang pierces,
The Joy, in giving yourself to me.
Know that this be true, for I am,
And Vampires Are...
from American Vampires by Norine Dresser, copyright by Patrick L. Garrison

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