The Group- Official Website
8/09/01: The day of returning friends! Me and Wanger decided today would be a day for random arrivals, so we went over to Kevin's- and he was home! We was in New York for several weeks. So me and Wanger and Kevin drove around using Wanger's dad's pick up truck (me and Kevin alternated sitting in the bed of the truck).  We showed up at Mike Ellis' house, chilled there for a little while, then went to Ben's house- and he was home!! He told us about his vacation, said he had fun, said he should be able to do stuff soon. His car still isn't back from the shop. Me Kevin and Wanger got some dinner at Arby's then went to Wanger's new house to explore. We had fun with horses and the conservatory, naming rooms and discussing all sorts of stuff to do with the house. Very good day indeed.

: Me, Kessler and Heavy B went to B's house and played with his guitars, then went to a music store in festival and played the instruments there. Then we saw Planet of the Apes at Flagship, movie was meh.  Afterwards we went to Shaft's, went to Klein's and got 12 donuts for 2 dollars, then went home. Plenty of craziness to be had with Kessler's car and radio, and Heavy B's hat flew out the window, we had to go back and get it.

: Got 3 new random pics, finally two of Squire.  Not much today. Squire came over to my house and we played some metal, got some ideas for the band, then decided to go to Anthony's. On the way to Anthony's we got pulled over for speeding on the hospital road, so to everyone: DO NOT SPEED ON THE HOSPITAL ROAD IN BEL AIR! THEY HAVE COPS THERE NOW! Squire got lucky, just a warning. The cop also said we went straight through a turn lane, and we went back later and discovered that he was wrong. Stupid pig.

1: Steve's craziness pictures added, a pic of Lauren and Ben have been added, links to Heavy B's pics have been added. Today's Adventure- Me And Wanger went over to Kessler's and chilled there for a little while, then went over to Lauren's house. We were told Lauren wasn't there and was at Eric's with Dale, so we went to Eric's, met up with them all there.  We chilled at Eric's house looking at photos, then we decided to drive to Steve T's, but on the way Dale and Lauren decided to go get Dale's wallet at his house.  So me, Wanger, Kessler and Eric went to Steve's and decided to wait for Dale and Lauren.  Well, after 25 minutes no one showed up, so we told Steve if they showed up to tell them we went to Burger King. We went to Burger King and killed a good 40 minutes, because we wanted to give Dale time to meet up with us or "find his wallet".  After killing plenty of time, we went to Dale's house and noticed the jeep was still there, so we went to the back door, discovered it was locked, so we banged and yelled to let Dale know we were there, then we went downstairs. went back to my house, that's about it. Lauren leaves apparently for SC soon.

/01: Lots of new random pics! Check em out in the random pic section. Also a pic of Dale.  Today's Adventure- Woke Dale up at 6:00 so he could go to work, went back to sleep until 1:00, went to see Rush Hour 2 at 5:00 with Dale, Wanger, Heavy B, Kessler, Anthony and Chris Furst.  Nice ass movie.  Had fun driving to Burger King where Dale got us all free food while Eric threw things at us, played some tennis in the parking lot.  Threw things at each other's cars. Got my digital camera and took lots of random pics while Wanger realized his transmission was messed up, he went home, we took some random pics, then I went home and ate dinner, Dale tells me Lauren is home but leaves Tuesday for South Carolina.  Good day indeed.

4/01: Let's see- my parents were gone all day today, I was home alone.  Wanger took me to work early today, work was kinda fun, then Wanger picked me up and told me there would be no Rush Hour today, so I said meh. I sipped on some vino eating dinner at the house, Dale and Wanger showed up, we picked up Dale's 30 year old brother from Wendy's (mwaa ha ha ha ha) then Wanger went home, me and Dale "chilled" in the basement, toasted the end of this craziness with the group over the past few weeks. Lauren should be home tomorrow, Ben soon.

03/01: Today was kind of meh, at least for me. I don't know if anyone else did anything, but I just cleaned my basement in the morning and then went to some riverfront seafood restuarant in Baltimore for my grandparents, had some nice ass crab and shrimp. Dale finally put his site up, the links between our two sites have been made, picture pages up, there' s a pic of wanger, but no one else it. Decided to put a section for work schedules, so you guys gotta lemme know for easy reference. Today's Adventure- None. Damn.

02/01: Let's see- Lauren is gone on vacation, won't be back until August 5.  I added Wanger's e-mail address. Patience all, one day this site will be good. Today's adventure- I woke up around 10:00, did some driving practice, then me and Wanger went down to his farm and worked all day throwing shit in a dumpster, quite messy but good times.  Went to taco bell, got some tacos.  Then we visited Lauren while being dirty and she refused to hug us while being dirty and smelly.  Then Dale and Matt Hidel showed up at my house, we went mini golfing, met up with Jason Squire, the furst brothers and some girl Jen.  Wanger showed up and he talked to this girl Angela, things look good for Wanger. Dale proceded to break the head off his golf club while at the place, so we took the rest of the club as a memento. We then drove around listening to metal and head banging, making noise. Went to Gabel's house and thrashed about, then went to 7-11, got some drinks, good night indeed.

1/01:  Well, I've finally decided to make a webpage dedicated to what else, the group.  I plan to put random stuff in here, pictures and stuff about us.  I should start off by making a list of who's in, but that'll take some planning.  Also I started (unsuccessfully) the contact section today. Today's adventure- Wanger and myself drove over to Dale's, went to the mall, spoke with Lisa Besold and some other girl, then obtained some fireworks, went to visit Eric at Burger King to make sure he hadn't been jumped again, then had fun with fireworks, dropped Dale off at his friend's party, then Wanger got hungry so we went home.  Lauren was mad at me and I hope we can straighten things out soon.
Contact the Group

Name: Steven Mack
Alias: Steve, Smack
IM Screename(s): Smack1500, Smack1600, Smack1700, smack1800, smack1900, Smack85000
E-Mail Address:,
Phone Number(s): 515-1936

Dale Thornton
Alias: Dalesworth, Sir Dalington, Dip Shit
IM Screename(s):
DjtStupd02, SoCcRpLaYa02
E-Mail Address:,
Phone Number(s):

Name: Brent Wagner
Alias: Wanger, B
IM Screename(s): Brent9612, wAnGEr9612
E-Mail Address:
Phone Number(s): 515-1128

Name: Lauren Novakoski
Alias: Dirty Knees, Ho, Lar, Lars
IM Screename(s): dklauren02, DRAMAETTE
E-Mail Address:
Phone Number(s): 515-2236

Name: Benjamin Black
Alias: Ben
IM Screename(s): mafia906609, Catchcow
E-Mail Address: ?
Phone Number(s): 569-2690, 557-7388

Name: Kevin Phillips
Name: Steve Williamson
IM Screename(s): RAgE fAN1678
Name: Erik Vikestad
IM Screename(s): slagathore315, slagathore69
Name: Brian Davidson
IM Screename(s): JaggRock, Yero Malakia, XwF Bodacious
Name: Jason Squire
IM Screename(s): MILITIA5656, Bizkit KoRn 5656
Name: Adam Gable
IM Screename(s): FredDurst84, XMarshallMathers, Killuminati08
Name: Anthony Furst
IM Screename(s): Twenty2People, GdSmckSe
Name: Chris Furst
IM Screename(s): Foley180
Name: Pat Kessler
IM Screename(s): pk0212ad
Name: Paul K.
IM Screename(s): Partydude523, Lord Gentleman, lordgentlemen
Name: Steve T.
IM Screename(s)
: GrkTwnBeatDwn69
Name: Mike Ellis
IM Screename(s):
Name: Jeff Shaffer
IM Screename(s): iamgod609
Name: Allan Mai
IM Screename(s): A11an Mai, one monkey short
Name: John Jew
IM Screename(s): jrozbobcat
Name: Billy Boyd
IM Screename(s): Lyim
Name: (more to come)

Ben's Website
Dale's Website
Steve       Dale       Lauren      Brent      Ben
Random     Steve's Craziness

Meredith (Girl From Texas)
Work Schedules (8/04-8/11)
Steve: 8/04- 10:00-3:00
Dale: 8/04- 10:00-2:00
Heavy B's Pictures (Weirdness)
Evil.... Indeed!
Kessler- After a date with Mary Jane
Kessler- At the beach!
The Kessler Files