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Thunderbolts #20

Writer: Kurt Busiek
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Inker: Jon Holdredge
Letters: RS & Comiccraft's Liz Agraphiotis
Colors: Joe Rosas
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Editor in Chief: Bob Harras

Decisions Part 1: Turning Point

The Thunderbolts arrive at the Western Currency Facility of the Bureau of Printing outside Fort Worth, Texas to stop the Crimson Cowl and her Masters of Evil from stealing newly minted money. Previously the Crimson Cowl and her Masters of Evil had made the Thunderbolts an offer to join them and had even tried to push the Thunderbolts around, because of this Moonstone suggested that its time the Thunderbolts pushed back. They all followed Moonstone on the trail of the Masters of Evil.

The Thunderbolts engage the Masters of Evil in battle at the Bureau of Printing with an interesting confrontation between Songbird and Klaw. Songbird is distracted by Moonstone and with that moment of distraction Klaw renders the Thunderbolts unconscious.

When the Thunderbolts wake up they are bound by Klaw's sound constructs as the Crimson Cowl orders Klaw to kill the Thunderbolts slowly. Before this can happen the Dreadknight comes to the Thunderbolts rescue. The Masters of Evil prepare to fight the Thunderbolts again until they learn that the authorities have surrounded the place.

Klaw uses his sound constructs to allow his team to escape, while the Thunderbolts escape with Dreadknight trying to evade the authorities as they go.

Elsewhere Techno and Baron Zemo are in Central America, as Zemo gives vague details on a new plan that will cause terror worldwide.

When the Thunderbolts return to cabin that serves as their base they debate letting the Dreadknight onto the team, and Mach-1 raises the issue of the team needing a good leader.

The Thunderbolts argue until Dreadknight's mask that is supposed to be fused to his face rolls across the floor. Dreadknight turns out to be Hawkeye in disguise and says he's there to talk to them.

Thunderbolts and all associated characters are the property of MARVEL COMICS TM&©2003.