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Thunderbolts #63

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciller: Patrick Zircher
Inker: Al Vey
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colors: HI-FI Design
Assistant Editor: Marc Sumerak
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Editor in Chief: Joe Quesada

Criminal Intent

Melissa plans at a hotel what she is going to do next. She has been on the trail of Hawkeye and the Chain Gang at the request of Shield. Hawkeye being sent to a hard place like Seagate prison was a set-up so Hawkeye could uncover a plan some super-villains were going to do and now Shield has become concerned since things haven't gone the way they were supposed too. While spending time at the hotel Melissa finds herself falling into old habits and wonders about her time as a criminal.

Following up on Hawkeye's trail she stops at a safe haven using her new subtle voice powers to gain information. Next she stops at a costume shop to find out what disguises Hawkeye and the Chain gang are using now. Again she uses her powers to gain the information she needs.

Eventually putting all the pieces of the puzzle together and arrives in Vancouver at Crecy Enterprises that belonged to Justin Hammer. As Hawkeye and the Chain gang deal inside Melissa waits and wonders who she wants to be and what she wants to do. She needs to make a decision.

Inside Hawkeye and the Chain gang tries to get their security gauntlets removed from their wrists as Cyclone bursts into where they are in Crecy Enterprises. Cyclone goes to steal a disc from the place as Plant-man and Hawkeye try to stop him. Cyclone using his powers of the wind knocks them down. Later injured by Hawkeye he goes to retrieve the disk only to find it surrounded by a bubble of sound created by Melissa.

Later when Hawkeye has recovered from the earlier battle Melissa now in her Songbird gear explains that she tracked him and the Chain gang down for Shield. Songbird had the deactivation codes for the manacles to be removed and once she used them she put most of the chain gang in sonic bubbles for Shield.

Cyclone couldn't steal the disc that contained Justin Hammer's Last will and testament so he escaped. Mentallo picked the villains that were with Hawkeye for a reason but he and Songbird don't know why Plant-man was chosen so he with them still with his manacles on.

Songbird then gives Hawkeye a luggage bag filled with his equipment, costume, and thunderbolts insignia indicating her decision.

On Counter Earth the Thunderbolts follow Baron Zemo's path through a frozen trail that leads to the Inhumans home where Zemo announces it as the new capital of Counter Earth.

Thunderbolts and all associated characters are the property of MARVEL COMICS TM&©2003.