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Thunderbolts #69

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciller: Jean Jacques Dzialowski
Inker: Al Vey
Letters: Comicraft
Colors: HI-FI Design
Assistant Editor: Lynne Yoshii
Editor: Brevoort/Lis
Editor in Chief: Joe Quesada
Cover Penciller: Patrick Zircher
Cover Inker: Scott Koblish
Cover Colors: Jose Villarrubia

Becoming Heroes 3: Green with Envy

Crimson Cowl gloats about the victory over Songbird, Plant-Man, and others that were fighting against the Masters of Evil. The Crimson Cowl talks to Plant-Man about activating the deadly biological toxin in the superhuman community, about her past, and present goals.

In a catatonic state Plant-Man recounts his changes and his evolution in the Verdant fields. Then the experiments that took place on plants and finally the creation of the biological toxin that was spread. The Verdant Green shows Plant-Man how he can activate the deadly toxin and how he could turn the earth into a paradise without Mankind. Plant-Man is taken to Machinesmith while Hydro Man and Black Mamba check on their prisoners.

Songbird awoke before anyone else when they were captured and was faking that she was still unconscious. She then checks on everyone, Man-Killer is shackled and Cardinal's armor is off-line. Songbird uses her new powers reaching the higher octave range against Hydro Man and Black Mamba on guard outside of their room.

Meanwhile Machinesmith examines Plant-Man in his lab while the Crimson Cowl watches and waits for Machinesmith to figure out how to activate the toxin.

Still in his Catatonic state Plant-Man recounts his past and his failures in costume as a villain. In the verdant field a question is asked of Plant-Man if he is going to activate the toxin and destroy Mankind or activate it and save them but deal with the fact that Mankind will eventually destroy the verdant green. Plant-Man chooses to activate the toxin to save humanity. Pollen is released from his body into the air outside negating the toxin inside the bodies of anyone who has the toxin.

Machinesmith then detects motion outside the door and its broken open by the bodies of Hydro Man and Black Mamba. Songbird, Cyclone, Cardinal, and Man-Killer have arrived and engage the Crimson Cowl and Machine Smith in battle. Gypsy Moth reappears taking about running away but then the realization of controlling fabric and that includes the Crimson Cowl's Cowl came to her. Gypsy Moth controls the cowl and wraps it around Machinesmith until he shatters into tiny pieces, while the Crimson Cowl is left naked.

The battle ended the group goes to check on Plant-Man on an operating table since he doesn't look in good shape. They are interrupted by a group of Elite Shield agents led by Dugan who says they are taking Plant-Man with them.

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