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Peter Gyrich had Abe in the Beetle armor steal Omega-32 because Justin Hammer wanted it. Later the Beetle hands over Omega-32 to Hammer as a gesture of good faith. Still what exactly Omega-32 is remains a mystery. Gyrich had a contact with Samuel Higgins who is facility co-ordinator at a Roxxon Facility outside of Denver Colorado. Bobbie Haggert was an employee there who got information to Gayle Rogers about Omega-32. Bobbie was killed by Scourge who was impersonating Higgins. After the Beetle stole Omega-32 from the Roxxon Facility its been trying desperately to recreate the project.

Gyrich has said he knows why Hammer wanted Omega-32 but due to the contract Omega 32 shouldn't have existed in the first place and certainly not available for anyone to steal. Gyrich also tells Higgins to purge it completely and he will do the same on his end. If Higgins and Gyrich were working together it doesn't make sense that Higgins would be so surprised when Gyrich told the Beetle to steal Omega-32. Gyrich seems to be bothered that Omega-32 exists if he was going to give Omega-32 to Hammer anyway why would he be acting like that? Did Gyrich want something similar to give to Hammer and Omega-32 just came up as an idea to Roxxon while they were making it? The Beetle could have also given Hammer a fake Omega-32 container while the Commission kept the real one. Gyrich could bring down the Roxxon facility if he wanted, knowing of the secret project to create Omega-32 and stealing it proves that the project does exist. And if it shouldn't have existed he could make them get rid of it. It seems Gyrich it trying to remove all information on it now telling Higgins to 'purge it completely' too. Higgins has also mentioned that Omega-32 was applied in a way that they had not anticipated. Now if Scourge is using Omega-32 in some way for the Hard Air weapon the way it was applied differently it's the bullet that killed Hallie that was never recovered at the scene.

Thunderbolts #40 confirms that Henry Gyrich purged the files containing Omega-32. Someone even asks Gyrich about some files that were purged from the hard drive with his access codes. Gyrich tells them that the files that were deleted were obsolete from a failed experiment so he asked for it to be purged. The person that asked Gyrich refers to the files as 'Alpha-32' this could be another experiment but likely Gyrich renamed the Omega-32 files so no one would be suspicious of him yet the file name still had meaning to him.

Gayle Rodgers and Roberta Haggert were both killed because they got to close to the truth with the evidence they had that the hard air bullet that killed Jolt that had been invisible was from the Roxxon Company. Roxxon had a cache of hard air molecules that were left over from when Colin Hume who went by the name of WindShear was an employee. The process of turning hard air into sculpted invisible bullets had the project title of Alpha-32. This had originally been down with a research grant that was contracted by the CSA. Even though the contract was completed Roxxon continued work on the hard air so the CSA sent the Beetle to retrieve the experiment. This further experiment was known as Omega-32.

Nomad was controlled by nanoprobes and had some freedom to allow him to be a fluid assassin. This allowed him to pick the weapon that would kill Jolt when he was Scourge. Nomad picked the hard air bullet to try to show that there was something else going on and that there was a deeper conspiracy.

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