Troodon's Travel Page

Under Contruction!!!

Under Construction

Not much here yet, but I plan to have descriptions of places I have travelled to a plan to travel to. I have been to Roswell, Carlsbad, and Columbus, New Mexico; Chihuahua and Palomas, Mexico; Fiji and Nauru in the South Pacific. I plan to go to Guatemala and Belize this year. Travel locations in the indefinite future include places like Poland and Eastern Europe; Angkor Wat (in Cambodia) and Thailand; Bhutan; and Samarkand, Uzbekistan. There is very few places in the world that I wouldn't want to see someday.

While I'm working on this page, you can visit some of the travel-related links on this page.

This page has been visited times since May 2, 2000.

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You are listening to the Nauruan national anthem. I downloaded it from here.

General Travel Links

Lonely Planet, a great travel site!

Microsoft Expedia-A great place for travel planning.

Fielding's Danger Finder: Places to be carfel in, or to avoid altogether.

Visa and Passport Requirements for every county in the world.

The Budget Traveller's Guide to Sleeping in Airports


United Airlines

Air Nauru, Nauru's international airline.

Druk Air, Bhutan's international airline.

Other airlines

Lonely Planet Guides

You can see excerpts from these guides on the Lonely Planet website by clicking on the links in the first paragraph of this page.

 Fiji  Guatemala & Belize  Thailand  Cambodia  Vietnam

 Poland  Bhutan  Uzbekistan & Central Asia

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Last modified May 2, 2000.

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