Cher Herself

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Cherry Ann Maria Tomato was born on May 15, 1985. Her parents, Tim and Meg Tomato, were absolutely ecstatic at the birth of their second child. Cher was smart, bold, and an odd bluish-white color. Yes, bluish-white; their family had Colorenes in there somewhere (for an explanation, see the section about The City.)

Cher's mother wanted her to become a Fancy Frill, so she enrolled Cher in the finest Frill programs. One of these turned out to be quite useful, actually- Fancy Frill Preschool was where she met her best friend and primary partner in crime, Sunny Wildfruit. Although there would be many third bananas before the permanent addition, Angela, it would always be Sunny and Cher in the end. (Yes, the creator is well aware that this was a bad pun. She apologizes.) So they rebelled together.

Cher started school at the age of 4 1/2 at Tomato Elementary, which ran from kindergarten all the way up to sixth grade. Cher's teacher, Mrs. Cromwuss, was meaner than 'eck, so to get back at her, the young tomatoes formed the Kids' Union. Sunny and Cher were among the first to join, and later were the leaders of the group for older rebels, the Crazy Resistance. The Union lasted until 1994, when their clubhouse burned down and they were forced to surrender their membership to the Fancy Frills, who then tried to force the female Unioners into joining them. This was an unsuccessful war indeed.

In 1995, Cher, Elena, Liz, and Billy had their now-famous run-in with Captain Melodious Nott, otherwise known as Cap'n Mel. Shortly after, Elena was kidnapped by aliens and taken to the Zixadoo cluster, on the fringes of the Swiss Miss Galaxy. She remained there until 1998, which was two babies (one living) and several wars later. By 1998, Cher was an eighth grader at Vegetable High, and the formidable leader of the Resistance as well. She, Sunny, and Angela each had their own division. In 1999 Liz will take on a position of her own in the Resistance, replacing Sherry Wine as head of the Honors division.

Cher's many supporters in the Resistance include her favorite teacher, Catherine Lehr, affectionately dubbed Miss C by her students in Crazy Culture. Miss C is the friend of every one of the queens of the USK, from Kitten in 1993 until Caitren, the current queen, in 1999. 

This is where we are now.

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