Welcome to The Interzone:

Updated 5-19-99 (Still more often than Blair's Son Of Concert Calander)

For those of you who don't already, make sure to tune into the Glen Jones Radio Program (WFMU 91.1) this Sunday, and every Sunday this summer. I have recently turned heel on Glen and have started feuding with him. Be ready for surprises.

Not much in the update this month, except for a Fleshtones Gallery. Some pics from a Coney Island gig a couple of years ago. For Fleshtones Fetishists Only!

Updated 4-5-99

Well, for those who didn't make it to the JC Housewarmning Shindig this past Saturday, two of our fave zone troopers, Gus & Kellie announced that they would be tying the knot real soon, much to the pleasure of their respective parental units. More exciting though is the news that they are doing this before they move to London in August. Mr. Ninefingers company is transferring him there. Kudos Mr. N. Just don't start any international incidents while you are there.

This is not only good news because of:

A) Two of my favorite people are getting married

B) They are getting a chance to go to London

C) I will have someone I can visit in London

But also:

D) I have the chance to be at a wedding and redeem myself by NOT getting shit faced drunk.

(Watch out, Scottzilla, I got a Sambuca shot with your name on it. And his six brothers are here too...)

Also...Check out Cousin's Corner for Paulie's latest dispatch: Up the Apocalypse!


Updates 3-15-99

Can you beleive it folks? Ric Flair is now the FOURTEEN time Heavyweight Champion , having defeated "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan at WCW Uncensored. Like he says, it's not being the man, it's staying the man. All of Interzone's agents and troopers wish the Nature Boy the best. Now if he would take care of that faig Big Poppa Pump, once and for all. For insights into the world of pro-wrestling, check out Cousin Paulie's article Reflections on the macrocosmics of professional wrestling.

More stuff added today include pics from the wedding of Mr. Peter J. Koch and his blushing bride Keiko. Don't expect to see any pics of the bride and groom, though. Just the usual suspects. Now, I like being sloppy drunk more than anything I know, but from the photographic evidence, it looks like there a few others who feel the same.

Kudos go out to Glen Jones & X-Ray Burns for raising an unprecedented 10.7 THOUSAND dollars during the WFMU marathon. IBJ for Life! If you have a Realplayer, you too can listen to The New & Untouchable Glen Jones Radio Program on the web, Sundays 12-3 pm EST.




Mission Statement

The Interzone is an ontological place that exists only in the viewer's perception. Many of the zone's investigated in this site will facilitate subversion and disobedience. This site--an ever-(self-)transforming international group project--is an attempt to explore explosive ideas and beguiling complexities, their presentation and their significance.

Send everything to Eric Fusco - Pilot/Thunderbird 10

Click here to see the list of our international gang of conspirators.