My Homepage!
Here I am!
only  people have come here...
UPDATE: January 1, 2000! The new millennium brings change! So I am no longer going to be known as 'MrHankey,' especially since I don't even go to chat rooms anymore...I am too busy with work, so just call me Toby...
 Well, no more MrHankey for me, but I will keeps his eternal words of wisdom here:
Mr. Hankey sings (part 1) .wav, 60.5 kb
Mr. Hankey sings (part 2) .wav, 57.5 kb
Mr. Hankey sings (part 3) .wav, 26.4 kb
"Howdy Ho!" .wav, 51.7 kb
"Kyle's Mom is a stupid b!tch in D Minor .wav, 538 kb. This is not Mr. Hankey talking, but it is a classic! And at the end of the song you can hear Mr. Hankey jumping to attack Cartman...
Pictures of ME!
Too cool                                  Powerpuff!
  Click this pic of me for full size           Click this pic to see me as the 4th
                                                                       Powerpuff Girl!
Click here for the 2 newest pics of me!
--Links To My Other Pages--
MY LINKS PAGE....check out where I like to surf...other than Venice Beach...
More about me! Click here for links to music I like and pics I have scanned...
Go to my Sailor Moon page!
MY SAILOR MOON PAGE! If you are in to The Sailor Scouts or are interested in the best Japanese animation show out there, check this out!
EMAIL ME                   SIGN MY GESTBOOK!                   VIEW MY GUESTBOOK!
My page, Copyright © 1999 Legion of Dynamic Discord
Mr. Hankey is a registered trademark of Comedy Central
Sailor Moon is owned by DIC, Takeuchi Naoko, Koudansha, TV Asahi and Toei Douga
NOTE: I am not really Mr. Hankey! That is just my screen name in chat! Please don't sue me...I don't have any money anyway.