Matt's Homepage!

Hey there and welcome to my web site.

Hi! Welcome to Matt's Homepage. Once again, I am Matt, welcoming you to the home page. Here at this neglected little site of mine, I have lots of games, comedic stuff, music I've made (mostly punk and ska), and lots of other junk. So go ahead...look around.

So anyways, here are some things that don't really fit into categories. I would REALLY appreciate it if you signed my guestbook. I love to get feedback and telling me what you like/don't like will only improve the overall quality of the site (plus when people sign it, I tend to update more often). So feel more than free to email me AND sign the guestbook AND instant message me unless you plan to kill me (I'm serious about that! heehee). Have a nice day!

-Sign Guestbook

-View Guestbook

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-E-mail me (

Hey, I have AIM and Yahoo Messenger...
Yahoo: baritonedude
Aim: Reelll Big Fish

Feel free to message me anytime. No pervs please, I'm not into that stuff and I'll just ignore you if you ask me to cyber or anything like that.



Lots of midis added and updated. Check out songs by my band, Lizard Alert!.


While you're here, why not check out my latest in progress midi...

Download it now --- click here!

It has no title, definate lyrics, and isn't finished at the moment but soon will. This is being written for the band I am going to be starting later in the year. The guitar and 'vocal' track on the left speaker is what I will be playing/singing.


MAJOR update to midi page...all finished midis were added.
Old news taken off this page and archived


Sorry for no updates lately-I've been busy.

  • I've updated midi page.
  • Expect more songs to be on midi page within a week.
  • Guestbook fixed and works now.
  • Save Napster!!!
    • LAST UPDATE: 7-25-2k1