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--W E L C O M E-- DBZ Fans
Hello and Welcome to the Dragonball Z Millennium. This Site was was made to give you all the Information you need to know about the Funation's Cartoon, DBZ. I also have great pictures, Movies and Sounds. I also have updates on Episodes, and new releases of DBZ on video and DVD. Thank you for coming, if you have any questions, please E-mail me at: PCMan_64@hotmail.com Also I do have my DBZ Topsitelists, you can find it at http://www.topsitelists.com/start/mkdbz/ To access everything in this site, there is a menu bar above this table. All you have to do is click on the menu, and a sub menu will pop down, then make your selection by click on the link.
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Vote for me at the Dragonball Z Millennium Top 50 DBZ Sites. The Dragonball Z Millennium topsitelists is own by me, and is hosted at Topsitelists.com If you would like to become a member of my Topsitelists, Click Here. If you are a member of my Topsitelists, Click Here to Edit or Delete you account. If you would like to see all my members Click Here.

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Check Out the Online DBZ Store for great stuff.
New Releases

Frieza: Namek's End and Garlic Jr: Vanquished are now available.

Also you can get these Dragonball Movies on Video from the Orginal Series of Dragonball