
Bactas Eldar Craftworld


Welcome to Bactas Craftworld.  This site has information of many of the aspects of Warhammer 40K.  Including terrain building, and more.

Since you are here I assume that you know what Warhammer is.  If you dont or you are just starting this hobby please visite the
official Games Workshop site (Games Workshop is the maker of Warhammer and other table top games).

Please note that I
do not sell terrain. This site was made to help you make and paint your own.

I would really appreciate your comments and questions about my site and Warhammer.  Please e-mail me at

If you would like to submit some of you work please read my
submission guidelines.  If you would like to send me a tip for me to post on my site please e-mail it to me.  Include your name and if you want your Warhammer web site url (if u have one).

You may copy any pics from this site, except those that I had to get permission from to get (they have a caption saying where there from under them), if you want those pics you must visit the site to find out how.  If you do take a pic without a caption please put underneath that you got it from my site and please e-mail me saying what you used and where you used it.


I have been receiving ALOT of e-mails for people looking for the stats on the Eldar falcon and fire prisme grav tanks, well here they are!

points/model   front armour   side armour   rear armour   BS
120                    12                12                10               3
Weapons-Twin-linked shuriken catapults, pulse laser, and 1 weapon from the following: shuriken canon +20 pts, scatter laser +25 pts, eldar missile launcher +40 pts, bright lance +35 pts, starconnon +35 pts
Options-The shuriken catapults can be upgraded to a shuriken canon   for +20 pts
Transport- it can carry 6 models, it cant carry Avatar, Wraithlord, or a squad with an anti grav platform.

points/model   front armour   side armour   rear armour   BS
  115                  12                12                10               3
Weapons-Twin-linked shuriken catapults, prism cannon
Options-The shuriken catapults can be upgraded to a shuriken canon   for +20 pts

*Both tanks can be givin these vehicle upgrades:  crystal targeting matrix, spirit stone. holo-field, vectored engines, star engines, scythes.



10/20/99 well the counter seems to be working.  My scanner is messed so i cant add any new projects :( Anyway hope to have some updates for u guys asap!

I am a part of the DarkStarInet Warhammer gaming group- check us out.

-how to make terrain, my terrain, and terrain sent to me.
My Armies
-my eldar army, my space marine army, my dark eldar army.
tactics-tactics to help u cream your enemys!
Message Board-post a message on any topic of Warhammer 40k
Guidelines for submitting work
Old News and Updates-not been here in a while?Go here to see whats been going on!

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Have entered Bactas Eldar Craftworldsince  1/3/99