Dark Fire Weyr

"From here to eternity, be it long or short"

You enter a dark cave. You can hear nothing around you but a soft *drip* *drip*. As you unconfidently take a step forward, the ground begins to rumble and shake! You stand stone still in your place. Suddenly, a huge gold dragon thrusts its head to your level, its glassy eyes twinkling at yours.

*Welcome, mortal... I suspect you want to impress one of my children?* She speaks to you without even opening her mouth.

"Y-yes if it's not too much trouble, Ma'am."

The queen laughs heartilly, a deep, low chuckle.

*Alright, then. Follow me.*

As she curves in and out of the weyr labrinth, you think to yourself about the stereotypes of mean, aggressive dragons.

*You must not believe everything you hear, mortal.*

"Oh my gosh, she read my mind!" You're thinking. Soon the two of you reach a large weyr room. Scattered amongst the cave are various piles of gold and jewels, swords--and something else--nestled tightly in the farthest corner. You look to the dragon.

*The eggs,* she replies. *Yes, I laid 18 eggs in a fairly small clutch. My mate is bronze Amyryth. You will see him a little later.* The dragon shifts her weight to her back haunches and stares at you. *Oh, and my name is Trynieth, by the way.*

She stands up and walks with you over to the eggs.

*Like I said, the clutch was fairly small. Here is the availability of each color:











"Pretty even numbers, huh?" You tell her jokingly. She raises a brow and changes the subject.

*You may now move on to the next step in Impression, but I suggest you go to the steps page first. This tells about the Impression process, and most of the content on the folling pages was written presuming you have read the steps page. But if you want to do things the hard way, go on to the next place.*



Aimend impressed Azerith, the Gold queen of this clutch. To see her weyr Click Here

Tori impressed Green Dynath. Her weyr is here.

Jason impressed Blue Rhyndith. Visit both of them at their weyr!

D'ran impressed blue Nymereth.

Zethro-Kaan impressed brown Fereth.

Tizan impressed WHITE (congradulations!) Kialith!

Jessie impressed green Helienth.

R'sen impressed brown Ymereth.

And it should be noted that my friend, Josh, "impressed" (ok, ok, he asked me to make him one) a silver dragon that lives here. YIELD! heh heh. His site might not be "liked" by everyone (espescially the government)!

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