Biggest Burn of all time!

Worst burn of all time

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          Burning  Jokes .com
Note: Burns are a type of joke that really disses your friends or people you don't like but remember there just for FUN!And we don't mean offend people with the name Sean and John!
Your mom for a nickle.
Sean, yes john what can you get for a nickle. Um.....  a 5 cent gum, well I can get your mom for an hour at that price BURN!!!!
Burning Scale : 10 out of 10

        Have you ever seen two gay men?
Have you ever seen two gay men ,I could'nt  help but laugh, what would you say if you saw two gay men John. I would laugh and say  hi Sean BURN
Burning Scale : 6 out of 10
3 gay men in a tub
hey sean,
did you hear the joke about three gay guys in a tub,
okay, there are three gay  guys in a tub, a condom floats up, one says who farted.
Ha ha that was funny
oh i forget that story was about you your dad and your mom BURN!!!
Burning Scale:8 out of 10

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