Superman: The Man of Steel

This page is dedicated to the First and Greatest of superheroes... SUPERMAN!

Though many have tried to emulate him and many have come since his first appearance, he has withstood the test of time. Through death and rebirth, changes in costume and abilities, none have made the impact on American and worldwide culture as the Man of Tomorrow has. .

Here on this page, you will find pics and links to various other Superman sites on the web as well as links to other comics resources. So peruse at your leisure, enjoy the eye candy and come back often, I promise that there'll be something new everytime!

  The Captain Marvel Page Here's my page dedicated to Captain (SHAZAM!) Marvel

  The Superman Homepage One of (if not THE) most comprehensive Superman sites around.
  The Kryptonian Cybernet  Another extensive Superman web site. Tons of Superman info,

  Gallery  Pics of comic covers and other surprises. (Under Construction)

  The Super Family  Bios of Superman, Superboy, Supergirl and Steel. (Under construction)

  Maximan: The Atomic American My Superhero Roleplaying Homage to Superman!

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This Superman Web Ring site is owned by Edgar Torres .

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Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, Steel, The Superman Family and any other prominent characters or logos, except where otherwise noted, are ™ and © by DC Comics. This web site is not officially endorsed or supported by DC Comics. Visit the Official DC Comics Web Site

Webmaster Edgar Torres