Hello everyone... I'm Faolan, and this is my page (duh, as if you couldn't figure out the last part....but hey, I figured I'd be polite.....for once...hehe)
Okay, so I admit I've been lazy and haven't updated my page in a while, so I've decided to give it a bit of an overhaul. There are a bunch of new pics going up, and I'm starting a new section called The Party Page where I'll be randomly posting pics from the parties here at my new place. And since some one commented to me about the fact that I haven't posted any new poetry for a while I'm going to do my best to post new stuff at least every other week.

And on that note, let the chaos commence!
Last Modified:11/30/2005
Ok, so it finally occured to me I should let people know which sections have been updated most recently....well, the quote board for one, and I added a whole new section this time (click on various nights out to see a few new pics)...
My Friends Page...the one with nice pics of everyone..hehe
My Poetry Page
The Wall Of Ass
The Quote Board
Some Irish Friends
To the Wall Of Shame!!!
Various nights out...
The Party Page
I figured I'd dedicate a little section of my page to my poetry...seeing as it helps to define and explain who I am. I'm planning on putting up a few things at a time, and changing them whenever I get around to it. The stuff on this page is the most recently posted...the older stuff is on my poetry page (I even created a link to the other page...now wasn't that nice of me? LOL). Hope you enjoy!
I have become the transgressor
Blaspheming against the religion
I claim to hold sacred
Running from salvation
An Angel touched my soul
Breaking all my rules
I waited
I begged her closer
Allowing her to care
Daring to believe
I mattered in her eyes
And should in mine
And I still couldn't tell her that
For once silence
Was worse than screams
There's an emptiness inside me
There's a hollowness within my heart
It's like a play with no actors
Like a script with no lead part
I wish I could fine the writer
Make him explain to me the plot
So I could learn about this hero
Find out if I'll win or not
But he stays so far away
Secluded on some hill
It's like he's testing my strength
Like he's testing my will
I don't know how long I can do this
Don't know how long I can fight
Not knowing what the goal is
Not knowing if I'm wrong or right
I've been dreaming of a place
And I've been praying for a time
When things will go my way
And the answers can finally be mine
Because you didn't know me
Refused to see beyond the shell
Only cared about what I could give you
Kept me in the dark so long
Everything caved in on me
Never let my spirit free

Without the pain and screams
Inside my shattered mind
Nothingness would claim me
Granting me peace at last
Setting me free
A few people have asked me why I decided to put some of my poetry up on the net....the short answer is that I just felt like it. For those of you who need more of an explination, here goes. I figured that since most of the people who will be visiting this page are friends of mine (either from on-line or the real world) I ought to give you all a little something to help explain who I am and where I'm coming from. My poetry is a part of me, it helps to define who and what I am. It's a way for me to take all the pain, joy, anger, love, rage, and confusion (as well as any other emotion) and put it somewhere other than buried inside me. I started writing several years ago because I felt that I had to. My friends were worried about me...they could tell something was wrong, but I couldn't find the words to tell them what it was. I knew they wanted to help me, and I really wanted to let them, but I just couldn't find the words to say what was going on inside my head. I ended up becoming extreamly frusterated with myself because I couldn't just say what was wrong... One day I just suddenly got this incredible erge to write, so I grabbed a pen and a notebook, sat in a corner, and let my soul scream at the page. I only had a vague idea of what I was writing, and I didn't really care because for once I could feel the pressure of all that built up emotion begining to ease up. I just sat and wrote for hours...page after page until my hands were too cramped to keep writing. When I finally stopped I handed the notebook over to my friends without saying a word. Since then, with their help, I have finally learned to vocalize what's inside of me....but I still write fairly often. For me it has become a release, and I have come to love the feeling I get from creating something new each time I set ink to page.
Now that you've read all this, don't you wish you had just accepted the short answer? ;)
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