This page is dedicated to the all new, all changed Generation X from the fan fiction called Dark Tide. This fic is about the X-Men you all know with the ages changed. Jubilee and Cyclops are the same age and they're fighting Marauders that contain the name Paige Guthrie in the member list. Rahne Sinclair is pure evil and in a relationship with Sinister. Interested? Read on.
Hi, I'm Mystique, your hostess. E-mail me with any coments, questions, or suggestions about Dark Tide or any continuation you may want to write. (I can hope, right? ;)
Wanna hear "Move Over" a song about Generation Next?
The all new WuzNew section is finally up! Check it out for any updates I make.
This is where you can voice your opinion on the chapters which (I hope) you have already read. Have fun!
Dark Tide
This is the first part of a trilogy. I changed all the ages, made the students the teachers, the sane the insane, and got this crazy concoction. Xavier is having hormone problems and Rahne is getting kinky with. . .Mr. Sinister?!?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
This is where you can find out all about the rosters of the Marauders and Generation X!
This is where I store the absolutely beautiful artwork people have given me referring to this story arc. Or what will one day be a story arc. ;)
This section is unfinished, but it will contain all those quirky little ways everyone's fav mutants like to use their powers as well as all those other things they carry around in case of a fight.
Preview This is where you find out what I'm going to do with this story, and get sneak peaks at upcoming chapters.
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