The People of CMU
Here I list for you the assemblage of people encountered at CMU (in alphabetical order).
Andrew Beckles- The CMU Art student who was unfortunate enough to be our hall's RA. Oh what fun we had with him. He'll never be the same after the antics we had. "ANDREW!!!"...his catch phrase: "I'll catch y'all later."
Louis Eisenstein- From the majestic city of Beverly Hills,CA with a zip code of 90211. "90210 is the really good side of town." he gave in explanation. Louis was quite the character. He came to us as in innocent man who was content with his classical music. But after exposure to college life he soon became corrupted and bought rap CD's and a poster of assorted firearms. I'm sure Beverly Hills hasn't been the same since his return...
Amit Garg- The massive Amit Garg, known to most people simply as "Garg". Garg must be short for gargantuan, this guy is massive. Best remembered for his ECE skills which he often said he could use to hot wire cars or rig security systems, as well as being only one in our hall capable of finishing an entire "small" fry from the O. And Garg, whatever happened to our plans to redesign our room?
Mike Knapp- The rap-playing, powerhouse-of-base-car-driving guy from Florida. Mike was the one initially responsible for exposing Louis to rap and corrupting his fragile mind, yet this didn't bother Mike at all. Mike's famous line: "Hey want to make a dollar?" followed by such ridiculous dares as "run around the University Center with an opened umbrella yelling 'The Sky is falling!'."
James Lee- "Sometimes I wonder why I beat myself in the head with a stick," James would say as he toiled over his Calculus homework. James was one of the primary pirates of the hall. He spent his time running his FTP server and burning gigs of mp3s onto CDs.
Greg Modzelewski- Greg was the artistic architect who's goal was to "draw the most messed up thing I can think of, and then top it". When he wasn't spending his hours in the studio, he was coming up with ludicrious parallels for us such as the relation between oreos and armpit hair.
Nick Morisello- Nick was a drifter. He managed to mix with both the West Side and East Side of Donner Hall somehow. He is a highly adept Quake 3: Arena player who often spent long hours on his T3 playing on the Net.
Terrence Wong- The man of a thousand names: Wicky Wong, WOng (with a capital WO!), the list goes on. Known for his collection of Simpsons episodes on his laptop, time spent on the original Quake 1, and daily lunch of baked chicken, which he noted "gets darker every day, you can tell the day of the week by it."
"Joe"- You may notice several mysterious references to and quotes by this person named "Joe". However, there is no pictorial record of this person ever existing. You must decide for yourself whether the myth of "Joe" is fact or fiction...