Made in Canada is the proud recipient of the 2000 Prix Aurora Award for Fan Achievement: Other!

David Shtogryn
Northern Frights 3 Northern Frights 5 Parsec: Summer/Fall 1999
The first time I met David Shtogryn he presented me with my Aurora Award at TT2000. I didn't get much of a chance to talk to him at the time but  I have since had the pleasure.

David Shtogryn lives in Scarborough, Ontario. He is a prolific writer with over forty stories published in a wide variety of magazines and genres. His horror, fantasy and SF has been published in Northern Frights #3 and #5, Parsec, Northern Fusion, and many other publications. David's short story Sunny Fields, was a finalist for a 1999 Aurora Award

David presenting me with my Aurora Award
(photo by Roger Czerneda)

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Last updated April 12, 2004