Output of mines (Cost in g,s,l)
Level Gold Stone Lumber
0 8 5 6
1 9 (90,60,60) 6 (60,60,60) 7 (90,70,60)
2 11 (108,72,72) 7 (72,72,72) 8 (108,84,72)
3 13 (129,86,86) 8 (86,86,86) 10 (129,101,86)
4 16 (155,103,103) 10 (103,103,103) 12 (155,121,103)
5 19 (186,124,124) 12 (124,124,124) 14 (186,145,124)
6 23 (224,149,149) 14 (149,149,149) 17 (224,174,149)
7 28 (269,179,179) 17 (179,179,179) 21 (269,209,179)
8 34 (322,214,214) 21 (214,214,214) 25 (322,251,214)
9 41 (387,257,257) 25 (257,257,257) 30 (387,301,257)
10 49 (464,309,309) 30 (309,309,309) 37 (464,361,309)
11 59 (557,371,371) 37 (371,371,371) 44 (557,371,371)
12 71 (668,445,445) 44 (445,445,445) 53 (668,445,445)
13 85 (802,534,534) 53 (534,534,534) 64 (802,624,534)
14 102 (962,641,641) 64 (641,641,641) 77 (962,748,641)
15 123 (1155,770,770) 77 (770,770,770) 92 (1155,898,770)
16 147 (1386,924,924) 92 (924,924,924) 110 (1386,1078,924)
17 177 (1663,1109,1109) 110 (1109,1109,1109) 133 (1663,1294,1109)
18 212 (1996,1331,1331) 133 (1331,1331,1331) 159 (1996,1553,1331)
19 255 (2396,1597,1597) 159 (1597,1597,1597) 191 (2396,1864,1597)
20 306 (2875,1916,1916) 191 (1916,1916,1916) 229 (2875,2236,1916)
Other structures (Cost in g,s,l)
Level Storehouse Stone wall Watch tower
  (capacity in units) (ofense&defense) (range in miles)
0 1000 50 1
1 1200(90,60,90) 62(100,150,50) 1,2(30,90,50)
2 1440(108,72,108) 78(120,180,60) 1,5(36,108,60)
3 1727(130,86,130) 97(144,216,72) 1,8(43,130,72)
4 2073(156,104,156) 122(173,259,86) 2,1(52,156,86)
5 2488(187,124,187) 152(207,311,104) 2,5(62,187,104)
6 2985(224,149,224) 190(249,373,124) 3(75,224,124)
7 3583(269,179,269) 238(299,448,149) 3,6(90,269,149)
8 4299(322,215,322) 298(358,537,179) 4,3(107,322,179)
9 5159(387,258,387) 372(430,645,215) 5,2(129,387,215)
10 6191(464,310,464) 465(516,774,258) 6,2(155,464,258)
11 7430(557,372,557) 582(619,929,310) 7,5(186,557,310)
12 8916(669,446,669) 727(743,1115,372) 9(223,669,372)
13 10699(802,535,802) 909(892,1337,446) 10,7(267,802,446)
14 12839(963,642,963) 1136(1070,1605,535) 12,9(321,963,535)
15 15407(1156,770,1156) 1421(1284,1926,642) 15,5(385,1156,642)
16 18488(1387,924,1387) 1776(1541,2311,770) 18,5(462,1387,770)
17 22186(1664,1109,1664) 2220(1849,2773,924) 22,2(555,1664,924)
18 26623(1997,1331,1997) 2775(2219,3328,1109) 26,6(666,1997,1109)
19 31497(2396,1597,2396) 3469(2662,3993,1331) 32(799,2396,1331)
20 38337(2875,1917,2875) 4336(3195,4792,1597) 38,4(958,2875,1597)
The formula is: take the seed (first value), for next level multiply everything by 1,2
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