Chapter I

"The Spark"

“GO AWAY!” A man, his figure dark in the shadows, howled in fury at a tiny figure, a Kender as it seemed.  She was a young gal, only now enduring on her wanderlust quest; her face was smooth and her hair was in a fiery color unlike any other Kender seen before, tied behind her back in an ever-perfected topknot suitable to most Kender. 

It was a quiet night at 'The Inn of the Flaming Keg';.   The town was preparing for the upcoming Yule season.  The holiday as always brought business to the innkeeper, and that night the establishment was filled with joy.  Leaving the man in the shadows, the Kender’s attention shifted to one of the tables the further end of the room by the fire. She bounced over, her orange eyes beaming curiously at the two figures that occupied the table.  One, a warrior in appearance, tried to avoid the Kender girl who plagued him with endless questions.

“Feral Sunchaser is the name!” The Kender girl exclaimed with a wide grin her eyes flickering as she reached a tiny hand to shake.

“And I really don’t care!” The man retorted in a harsh tone. Feral, quite disappointed, withdrew her hand, a baffled look overtaking her young features.

“Oh now stop that…. Hello Feral, don’t pay any attention to him. I’m Sylvia, Sylvia Nightshade.” A woman, younger by numerous years than the grumpy man, wrapped her arm teasingly around his waist, brown hair washing over her shoulders as she looked down at the tiny Kender girl.

“This here, Feral, is my ever cheerful friend Jatson,  “Don’t mind him, he doesn’t mean a thing.” The woman now extended a hand toward the Kender girl who smiled happily as she shook it warmly, glancing at Jatson, trying to detect a certain change in the man’s penetrating stone gaze, but it never came through, so she looked back at Sylvia again, her smile widening.

“Well I’m pleased to meet you Sylvia and you too Jatson.  May I call you Jes?”

“NO!” the man retorted.  The man’s dress was simple: leather thick armor carried on his chest, and his tall build carried well, resembling a mercenary or a knight, but with the lack of metal armor, or the ever fashioned and proud Solamnic mustache, Feral guessed the other way.

“So—you are the band, aren’t you?” Feral curiously asked, pointing at the flute case and string guitar lying beneath the wooden table. 

“Well actually--” Sylvia began but paused as she noticed Jatson’s warning glance stare into her.  Feral wondered at this, but before she managed to begin investigating the matter a sudden crash was heard from behind the crowd, and her attention shifted with interest to watch the boiling events.

“Hey! Don’t you point that thing at me, you over grown cattle feeder!” It took a moment till Feral managed to recognize the shouting figure within the turmoil of the Kitchen’s exit as a Kender.  He sprung out, his figure slim and light, his brown topknot and dark eyes emphasizing his cheerful character.  After him though a little less cheerful then the Kender, was a Minotaur.  The half man, half bull, from an ever ancient and proud race stood in height around 8 ft. almost double the tiny Kender’s height, and his built stretched in power.

“Shut up, or I’ll slice that horse hair on your head, you bratted Kender!” The Minotaur, apparently furious, made a reach for the Kender and missed by quite a bit, drew a laugh through the crowed that began to gather in interest of the rolling events.

“HORSE HAIR????” Why you over grown steak! At least I’m not on the dinner special, VEAL AND BEANS!!!” The crowd roared with laughter, only raising the Minotaur’s fury as it tried once more to grab hold of the hopping Kender, only to miss once more toppling in his steps.

“Do you know that guy?” Sylvia asked eyeing the sparking fight while clutching small Feral’s hand. 

“No, but look at him go!” Feral eyed the older Kender admiringly as he hopped on to a table continuing his taunts with the raging crowd laughing in support. 

The crowd, which was being quite entertained by the vision, began throwing bets of “will the Minotaur catch the Kender?” and others gambled to “How many pieces will the Kender be split if he ever does.”

The Kender elevated himself on top of one of the tables, barely dodging the Minotaur’s charge. He managed to skip to another table, as the Minotaur’s charge crashed the table he had been perched on moments ago to splinters. 

Soon enough though, the Kender’s fun was cut short, as an intruding crowd decided to add a certain twist to the fight. 

With the Kender landing on his feet strong on the table base, he felt arms grab at him below and he fell, pinned on his back straight on the table.  The Minotaur, catching a breath then, looking up released a mighty grin noticing the trapped Kender, and with a heavy step, he joined fists and turned toward his catch.

Feral thought, who was watching the fight with increasing curiosity, decided that it’s up to her now to even the odds.  She launched herself out of Sylvia’s grip, and sprung into action within the crowd to the Kender’s aid. 

She made her way up in front of the furious Minotaur, and with a swing of her Chapak she smacked the table leg, chopping it down.

The table tilted madly, and with a snapping sound crashed into the ground under the weight, sending the Kender falling on his back with a thud, knocking him unconscious.  The Kender’s captor though, was less lucky, only managed to maintain some of his balance falling on one knee, and becoming totally exposed. 

Feral didn’t give it seconds thoughts, and making a high swinging arc, she smacked the man straight across the chest sending him toppling to the ground.

Meanwhile, the Minotaur, seeing his prey escaping, quickly shifted targets and with a quick reach grabbed the red headed Kender from behind, picking her up by her long beaming topknot.

Feral terrified, tried to kick her way out, and forcefully discovered that with the struggle came the pain. Her eyes watered when she felt her face stretch madly as the Minotaur pulled her up harder.  The older Kender, now regaining consciousness, rose up hearing Feral’s cry, and without hesitation sprung up and charged at the Minotaur.  The Kender, using his Hopaak as leverage, flew forward, using his small shoulders pushing the Kender girl in force, to relieve the pressure of her hair which stretched her face awkwardly.

But that wasn’t the only effect of the Kender’s shove; Feral, thanks to the powered up boost, was pushed strong upward right into the Minotaurs jaw. This move sent the Minotaur stumbling backwards momentarily, before he hit the ground with a thud.  Feral was released, and she nimble landed on her feet.

“Thanks!” Feral cried trying to fix her topknot straight.

“Don’t mention it.” The Kender smiled handling his Hopaak to his side. 

“Feral Sunchaser is the name.” Feral smiled reaching a tiny hand toward the Kender boy, and he shook it warmly.

“Well hello Feral, I’m T—“ but before the Kender boy managed finish, seven men barged through the circling crowd and came upon the dazed man helping him barely rise to his feet. Anger filled them as they watched their injured comrade.  Suddenly, one of them turned upon the Kender. 

“Ye’ damn little grub eaters, by Reorx, ye’re gonna taste some steel!” The man, apparently a Mariner spat, cursing at the two Kender, as they turned franticly while the crowd circling them.  The Mariner drew a cutlass and swung crudely toward the tiny Kender girl who barely managed to dodge back under the swing.

Feral dodged back and arched her body, but her balance now tilted madly and she knew that she could never escape the next underhand swing.  She closed her eyes as she watched the grinning Mariner swing toward her again.

The Mariner, laughing wickedly, swung down, but he was met with shock as he felt a rough kick to his lower belly, and then a knee went crashing into his face, sending him, nose broken, to the ground.

A woman stood over the man, her dark hair flowing down to her shoulders.  She was armed only with her gloved fists and she gazed around.  Another sailor switched his attention to her when he saw his comrade down at her feet, launching his blade with fury.  But his swing was cut short as a glistering blade came from his right, slashing the palm of his hand, making him drop his weapon with a shriek.

The man throbbing in pain in his wounded hand reached down to grab his sword but was met with a threatening blade to his throat.

“I wouldn’t try that if I were you!” The warrior standing above the man hissed, using his blade to raise the sailor back on his feet.

“Sylvia! Jatson!” Feral called astonished as the two companions fought off a gathering crowd that came upon them.  Sylvia turned her eyes shining with a smile, as she lunged sideways driving an elbow into the back of a man’s head, driving him hard on top of a table nearby.

“No thanks required kiddo! We just figured that we shouldn’t be letting you two have all the fun.”

“Oh definitely, I’m having lots of fun around here!” Jatson, managed to sarcasticly say as he glanced toward the innocent Kender, while his blade drove through three charging men. “Well, if you think this is fun, wait till you see this!” the older Kender offered a shriek and quickly dodged a clumsy sword swing and hopped upon the wooden counter.  A new foe then came upon the Kender -- a band of Goblins, always cowards in battle, but also grand haters of the Kender. They decided to take advantage of the battle and charged up on the Kender who soon turned his attention to them, fighting off their crude swings, taunting them unmercifully all the while.

The inn quickly turned to chaos, as the wenches, sailors, and goblins joined in against the four.  The quartet was forced to fight in close quarters to keep the mob at bay.

With fierce blade swings and quick dodges combining fist and steal, Sylvia and Jatson fought fiercely through the crowds, but were slowly pinned against the odds.  Feral, her arms aching and sore now, watched the older Kender from the corner of her eye as she rolled through the reaching arms, and noticed in awe as the older Kender didn’t seem to be affected by the heating events surrounding him.  The older Kender jumped up on the long wooden counter throwing wild smacks at a pack of Goblins which tried to charge him off as he attempted to knock off a huge Rum keg that stood at the counter’s edge. 

Feral’s eyes twitched with agony.  She was lost in the crowd swinging her bladed weapon aimlessly, all the while wondering what was the other Kender was trying to accomplish.

 In the back, the fighters weren’t fairing much better. Jatson’s sword arm was beginning to tire and was met with repetitive blows of the sailors’ charging cutlasses, which he could only barely hold back. 

Sylvia as well, still trying to avoid the coarse, reaching hands, was feeling the overwhelming crowd starting to overcome her.  Her arm muscles stretched with light spasms as she felt her kneecaps begin to fail beneath her.

Feral glanced around the room desperately.  She eyed the entrance as she spotted a row of knights come through the crowded doorway.  She recognized the symbols of the Skull and Lily and released an exasperated sigh as the dark knights made their way through the crowd, apparently summoned by the innkeeper.   Feral knew that her friends were outnumbered as it was and the odds were overwhelming. She knew that although her companions might be able to hold off a lot of drunken sailors and smelly Goblins, they stood no chance against the trained and armed knights, especially in their condition.

Sylvia, now facing five to one odds with Jatson, was forced down, dragged by the many arms within the battling crowd.  With a cry, Jatson’s sword fell clattering to the floor, as the sailors pinned his arms to his side, striking him down, as he struggled up.

“KENDER! What ever you had in mind you better work it up NOW!” the warrior fiercely pinned to the ground managed to release a shouting hiss at the Kender boy, who was still fiercely fighting off the clubbed Goblins as they struck him back, their yellow teeth flickering at the buzzing Kender.

Feral eyed her fallen companions, and through watering eyes, and saw the dark knights shift their attention to a more disconcerting matter. They shoved forth, drawing their swords trying to reach the buzzing Kender boy beyond the crowd.

Feral eyed her situation and tried to focus on their position.  She gazed at the floor covered with the crawling mass, then she turned her attention to the battling Kender, and then to the huge standing Keg noticing the dripping rum flow to the floor.  Suddenly her eyes opened in understanding, and she knew what purpose the Kender trying to accomplish.  With a battle shout, and Chapak in hand, she drove through the crowd to the Kender boy’s aid. 

“Watch out!” Feral squealed as her weapon strained in her grip.  In a quick spin she tore a swing at the first confronting Goblin’s head sending him motionless to the ground.  With another powered swing she tore into another Goblin’s helm, blasting it into his skull.

“About time I got some help!” the other Kender yelped and charged his Hopaak crushing a Goblin’s chest, sending him to the floor below him. 

Feral didn’t answer.  Alarmingly, all she saw were the knights making their way through the mob trying to reach them.  She glanced at the other Kender, as she stuffed her Chapak under the keg signaling him; he with a smile nodded in reply.

The older Kender sweating took a step back, green blood staining his white fur vest, and glanced around pulled his Hopaak beside him. Using momentum, he charged forth, his Hopaak rounding under him slinging his tiny body into the huge keg, tilting it violently.  The keg fell with a splintering crash, crushing a few Goblins under its weight the splinters cutting through the surroundings.

“KENDER!!! What in abyss do you think you’re doing?? Turning the floor drunk???” Jatson, still pinned under the mass of hands upon his arms managed to scream in frustration and anger, still desperately struggling.  The Kenders then looked around, the knights charging down on them, the Goblins reaching madly, but slipping upon the wet slimy rum on the floor.  With a turn the two flung around, maintaining a strong stance upon the elevated wooden counter.

“I got this one!” Feral shouted over the pressing crowd, as she reached into to her pouches, pulling out a small stone and with a striking aim, shot at the rum drowned floor.  Her swing struck down striking a splinter of wood, a spark lighting up just but just as quickly dwindling into the ground nothing happening.

“What are you doing Feral!?!” Sylvia now sweaty and bloody tried to struggle up, releasing a weak shout as she eyed the tiny Kender through the crowded mob.

“Aside, let me show you how it’s done,” the older Kender still fighting off the reaching goblins, who already managed to pull their way upon the counter.  He barely avoided a goblin’s hatchet as he dodged to the right.  Leaping back into a better position, stomping on the goblin’s hand in the process, he armed his Hopaak and with a low arc swing, clashed the stone he tossed up, slinging it down through the air whistling toward the spilled rum on the floor.

The tiny stone met its aim powerfully, the strike enforced by the strength of the Kender’s Hopaak lighting another spark and with corresponding force it lit up, catching the flowing rum, a molten flame striking up in fury.

The Knights who finally made their way through the crowd met a new horror with the rising obstacle of flames.

The wooden levels caught fire quickly in a fearsome boil of rage, the dangerous combination of the lighted rum and softwood burning up, creating a thick layer of smoke walls. 

Soon enough panic struck through the inn and it began clearing, the flames chasing their step out the door.

“Retreat damn it! Make it to the entrance… NOW!” One of the dark knights, a general by loyal symbols, ordered his men in fury as the smoke and his heavy helm made it difficult for him to draw an easy breath.  His soldiers, the intense heat burning them from within the heavy tight metal armor were more than glad to oblige to orders as they retreated back tumbling in their step as the inn’s entrance slammed shut above them by a burning rafter.

The inn cleared quickly, the knights evacuating as they could with the remaining of the populated inn, the flames chasing behind them catching hold of the solid walls, rising up in smoke.

Only a few figures stayed within the inn, the band of five sailors determined not to let go of their captives, as the smoke and flame rose violently behind them.

“Well, well, mates, I’d surely hope your blood is as sharp as your blade swing.” A mariner, his brows thick and bloody from an elbow strike of the woman mercenary, he stood tall above the two releasing a curled ugly grin as he turned his attention upon Sylvia, sweat engulfing him with the smoke smell releasing a tinge upon his skin. 

“My oh my, lady, now we two could actually have some fun.” The sailor gave a twisted smile and pointed down his cutlass blade lower toward Sylvia neck and below his grin sparking with the intentions in his eyes. 

Jatson screamed furiously trying to struggle up, but his attention with his captor was soon turned as a tiny shout was released within the smoke.

“Hey, swamp monkey!” Why don’t you have some fun with this?” The sailor, shocked, turned hearing the voice and before he could react a muscle, Feral’s Chapak drove in high arc bashing into his face throwing him to the ground. 

The sailor’s companion, eyeing this new threat, gave a leap toward the Kender girl, aiming sharp and low toward her ribs.  But suddenly through the smoke a Hopaak drove down striking the sailor’s sword arm twisting off his aim. The older Kender hopped through the rising flames, agile and slim, and drove with dexterity beneath the sailor’s twisting arm. With a quick reach then to sailor’s belt the Kender gave a twist of arm, driving the man’s own dagger thrusting fiercely through his stomach, sending him toppling into the devouring flames with an anguished shout.

A third sailor who was pinning Sylvia’s arm to her sides, found distraction with the Kender’s reappearance, but he didn’t live long to realize his mistake as Sylvia with a battle cry released a powered kick to the back of the sailor’s head sending him upon her own body.  Then with a swift motion she used both her arms clutching his head and with a snap ended his struggle upon her.

Two sailors remained, gripping Jatson with force, the warrior lowered his struggle saving his breath beneath the thickening smoke, and one of his captors observing the defenseless Kender, he sprung from his position gripping his sword glistering, the strike aimed for the older Kender’s back. 

“Watch out!” Feral seeing the sneaking human released a shout and with desperation threw the first thing she could find in her various belt pouches toward the older Kender, a small stone, hoping that he would take heed to her warning call.

The older Kender, his ears sharpened, heard the call and then took a quick glimpse at the charging sailor and took notice of the flying rock.  He sprung his Hopaak with an enormous swing and in mid air without stop or consent he caught the small stone with his Hopaak sling and continued the deadly swinging arc.  The flying stone enforced by the Kender’s Hopaak bashed into the charging sailor who flipped backward landing on the side of his head, which instantly stiffened as he drew his last breath.

The last sailor, seeing the odds against his favor, tried to draw a dagger and stab down at the pinned warrior beneath him, but his plans were cut short.  Jatson, not willing to give up this fight threw a hard kick to the man’s thigh, sending him tripping backward.  Trapping his other leg crossed, the sailor, surprised, wallowed down to the ground effected by the toe hold drop, his own dagger piercing through his heart leaving him motionless.

The inn was now deserted; only the companions stood within its walls, flames raising in intense heat.  The smoke was unbearable and the humans found it nearly impossible to breathe. 
Jatson, using a cloth to cover his mouth, as well as handing one to Sylvia, eyed the bodies and frowned seeing the crushed goblin’s their flaming bodies releasing a most disgusting odor.

“We’ll have to take to the kitchen!” Jatson, coughing, tried to point toward the right direction seeing the Kender following beneath him, his eyes watering from the thick smoke.

“Wow! You sound just like Tanis Half-Elven right before the War of the Lance, Uncle Tas told me once—“

“Shut up and move on!” The warrior hissed at the chattering Kender who apparently, thanks to his height, wasn’t affected by the choking smoke. 

Feral leaped amongst the flames her red hair shining with the raging fires as she joined beside the older Kender catching her breath.

“Say… you never mentioned your name,” Feral coughed easily releasing a smile trying to raise her voice above the smoke and the crackling flames as she was dragged ahead by the older Kender who ironically enough seemed to be having fun.

“Oh yea, the name is T--,” but then again as if in a curse, the older Kender was cut off in his words as a large body came to block the kitchen entrance casting a powerful shadow upon the tiny characters.

“Hey! Who let the cattle out?” The Kender surprised hopped ahead of the companions facing the huge Minotaur who appeared to be blocking the entrance, his figure apparently exhausted and barely maintaining its stance with the smoke and heat taking effect through his muffled thick skin and beady eyes. 

Jatson drew his sword up in front of him spotting the dangerous best.  But then the warrior felt Sylvia’s calming hand rest on his shoulder as the Minotaur exchanged glances with the mercenary woman.  A glitter in his eyes, he heaved a sigh shifting his attention upon the blade drawn warrior and the two Kender as he lowered his head and shrugged his shoulders.

“Exit through here.”  The Minotaur pointed back moving aside, clearing a path as the group exchanged glances suspiciously. Deciding to follow after the huge bull-man, the smoke and flames raged furiously above and beside them as they went through the doorway into the kitchen. 

Jatson followed beside Sylvia exchanging glances, his breathing was hardly tolerable and he felt his senses become blur as he led forward, the building beginning to crash around them.

Avoiding the heated burning ale, which flew as fire balls through the kitchen exploding dangerously around them, the band barely managed to escape as they reached the barred kitchen exit door, locked by a huge lock almost the size of the Kender’s head.

Jatson leaned to his sword arm ready to swing at the huge lock in attempt to crack it open, but the older Kender hopped forward blocking the warrior’s way and gave his attention to the massive lock.

“I got this one!” he called and with a quick hand he clenched the lock. 

Feral admiring saw the older Kender act with ease and dexterity, clutching the lock in a small hand and with his thumb he gave a press, releasing a ‘tick’ sound as the lock gave way and fell to the Kender’s feet.

Readily enough, they ran out, and thanks to the incredible mob at the entrance and the cover of darkness around them, the band managed to sneak out of the ruins of the burning building quickly finding their way into the darkness avoiding pursuit. 

The companions took their way into the woods, the flames rising behind them.  As the band went deeper into the trees, the older Kender halted looking back his eyes glistening with the vision of rising flames. His brow was sweaty and his breath flowed easily as he put his Hopaak down to his side, Feral joining beside him, the rest of the companions stopping as well.

“Interesting ain’t it?” the older Kender smiled his eyes still focused into the flames.

“What is?” Feral asked her eyes focusing upon the Kender’s fascinated brown eyes.

“Well, the Inn’s name…quite suitable... ‘Inn of the Flaming Keg.’ ” the Kender laughed and Feral released an exhausted smile.

“I want to thank you for helping me back there… eh…”

“Oh! Tik! Tik Lockpicker is the name, son to Earwig Lockpicker.”  The Kender named Tik turned in introduction the two humans and Minotaur staring at him blunt.

“A pleasure Tik.” Sylvia offered a tired smile from the wrappings of Jatson’s cloak. She shook the older Kender’s hand as he offered a tiny bow and a smile.

 “Tik huh… the son of the infamous Earwig Lockpicker!”

“YES! Have you heard of me?” The Kender eyed Jatson a proud and broad smile on his face.

“NO! Now cut out that nonsense and chattering and get a move on!” Jatson hissed down at the Kender sarcasm in voice as he turned step joining the Minotaur in head of line, the Kender offered a shrug and followed beside Feral who came beside Sylvia, all disappearing into night.


An hour of a tiring pace passed, as the band finally came to rest, the noise and flames vanished behind them.  They stopped and prepared to settle for the night. 

The two Kender gladly went on to gather wood and Sylvia with a little help hunted a late evening supper to feast upon as the group came down to settle, eating silently without exchanging a single word with each other.

Soon enough though, the Minotaur, who was quiet and reformed in his distance from the rest, fell asleep snoring loudly his chest rising with full nostrils blowing a whistling sound. 

Sylvia and Jatson took their departure beside the fire then, and settled into their own conversation, the Kender ears not catching a word as the two leaned back behind a fallen log leaving the Kender to themselves.

Feral sighed in exhaustion and settled beside Tik, and the older Kender smiling brushed the fire coals, trying to revive the fire spark.

“So you are on your wanderlust quest?” Tik offered word glancing at Feral who looked at him astonished.

“Why did you know?” Feral asked wondering.

“Well… lets just say that you don’t seem to be from around here.” Tik smiled tiredly, and Feral’s face darkened with a tiny blush at that comment, her words stuck in mind.  

Tik laughed easily at her reaction, and Feral couldn’t help but release a smile as she pulled beside Tik leaning back on a boulder edge, the Kender’s backpack softening her resting-place.  Tik then finally giving up on the effort of letting the fire live on, he pulled aside and joined Feral his eyes glittering in a never dwindling spark as the Kender girl leaned on his shoulder her eyes blinking in exhaustion.

“You know something Tik?” Feral whispered her eyes shutting slowly.

“What’s that?” The Kender asked in reply in a soft voice.

“I think that you sparked much more than just a flame back there, I think you sparked something that will long be longed to be relived.” But Feral in her mumbling blinked slowly and noticed the older Kender sleeping in ease, and leaning down on his shoulder she fell to sleep, leaving into a dreamless night.

I hope you came to enjoy the yet only to be first of many chapters of the adventures of a new generation in the entitled "Journeys of the Silvermoon".  Drop your comments at the Silvermoon Guest Book, or email me at with any comments or suggestions you might have. The adventures of the Silvermoon band continue on to the wrapping shadows of Darken wood in Chapter II, "The Forging", hope you enjoy the rest of your stay, and may your journey cross paths here again soon.

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