Chapter V
"Fizban's Curse"
(Part I)

“What do you mean by, the road is blocked?" Jatson snapped, he stood upon Fizar his brow sweaty."Well by far as I can define it, from here till Solace every curve is patrolled by Takhisis knights." Fizar leaned on his moon staff calmly replying at the raging warrior who strode from side to side in deep thought.

"So what do we do now?" That was Sylvia who was pulling her hair back with a shell comb Feral let her borrow, and her eyes glistering she passed a look upon the Wizard and Jatson who took halt.

"It seems you will have to follow me mi lady." Fizar said aloud his stance still firm leaning on the marble staff.

"Follow you? I'd rather follow the Kender guiding through abyss in thoughts! What makes you think I'd follow you?" Jatson spat comments as he dug his boots in the dirt.

"What other choices you have warrior?" Fizar asked easily, his words heavy as they took strong effect at the warrior.

Jatson rose to reply then, but just as he turned to face the wizard, giggling came within the brushes and the two Kender strolled in and Tik unnoticed as he stared at Feral walking behind him, her red hair shining.

The Kender ran into Jatson stumbling easily and then maintaining a stance he stood straight looking back.

"Jatson, how funny, I was looking for you, we went ahead like you asked us, you know its Yule season, and there are lots of carriages around, quite a market if you'd ask me.."

"What about the patrols Kender?!" Jatson interrupted holding guard patient.

"Patrols?? Oh yes, well it seems that there are knights everywhere, its quite a spook, but its always like this during Yule season, ambushes on the roads ya know, so I guess they reinforced the patrols around here, so there are Takhisis knights everywhere." Tik hopped down beside Jatson who was concentrated, the wizard didn't offer a word, but his silence said more than enough with a grave face.

"Don't stare at me old man, I don't care if Chaos himself is on the road, you are not leading me through this forest!" Fizar sighed leaning his weight against the tree; he scratched his beard in thought and eyed Jatson with a penetrating gaze.

"Listen here my boy, the road is blocked, and a storm is about to rage in full force. I doubt that the supplies or your experience will last you through a stormy night in the woods, and not to mention you have no clue where you are to begin with." Silence struck the companions, in exception of the two Kender who were comparing their findings at their exploration and spoke in tiny voices.

Thunder struck aloud then and Jatson glared at the blank sky. Jatson with a shrug turned to eye Sylvia and then the old man who stood still, and with a pull of his red cloak he closed his eyes hearing the first rain drops strike weakly upon the covering leaves above.

"Very well, we camp here tonight, we leave with dawn, and apparently you don't leave me much choice old man as of now, but remember that is as far as you go, the nearest village, not a step further." The wizard offered no reply as of to Jatson's words but instead stood tall and took a step forth confronting the group.

"Nifrak! I think you and the lady would best go ahead and search for some wood and maybe a delight of sorts." The Minotaur, who hasn't, spoke a word since the leaving of the burning inn, rose his head hearing the Elven reference to Minotaur, respected by most. He nodded grimly and rose to his feet dragging a crooked blade from the ground.

"Tik Lockpicker! If you don't mind we will need the use of your map to explain our way at sun rise, and if you are kind enough, It would be nice if you could return Jatson's dagger to him." Jatson hearing this reached a hand to his belt and then released a curse as he found his dagger missing. Sylvia couldn't help but giggle, but she stopped just as fast as Jatson rose his glance glaring at her.

"Eh.. I guess I should go get some wood." That is all Sylvia managed to mumble, and then with a following step she chased the Minotaur who with wide advancement was striding before her.

"So where are we old man, even better, why don't you tell us where are we headed to shelter from this storm?" Jatson questioned his tone deep, passing his hand over Tik's huge map falling full spread before him trying to spot the locations upon it.

"Well right here is the Ahlanlas River, we are in what is called now, Verdan forest, right on the border of Beryl's realm, and the Qualinisti as well. As for as where we are headed, we will be cutting down south, and make our stop here." Fizar passed a slim finger barely giving touch to the map as he nailed his finger down at a spot between the ruins of Pax Tharaks and forest borders.

"What's here?" that was Tik who was holding the map in his little hands and wondering passed an eye over the spot that Fizar pointed. And noticed surprised that nothing was noted to be there and he pulled a tiny gray chalk beam to take notes eyeing the wizard the map spread on his knees.

"Well there is a village here, named Greenwood stay, it's a new spot, manages in peace, I have a friend there that could manage our safety through out the storm."

"Well he better, because the cold doesn't do wanders for anyone." Jatson stripped his gear belt below him settling himself on a log, and pulling a flat rock and his dagger, he began sharpening the weapon his concentration in drive. Tik jotted down the new location on his map, labeling it 'Greenwood Stay' and under it labeled 'yet to explore' with weak letters so he can come to erase later.

Fizar smiled over the Kender's side, and then gathering his gray robes he looked up at the owl who still kept safe distance from the companions below. He reached a slim arm, and the huge bird drifting down landed on the wizard's arm, and Fizar with a smile pulled away from the busy Kender, and settled against the bark tree, feeding the bird from his aged hand.

The rest didn't notice tired Feral, who cuddled amongst herself on the grass, her eyes drifting closed but her belly empty, she stared at Tik who was so in focus to writing on his map. She released a weak smile, and then her stomach growling, she wandered aimlessly at when will the food be coming.

Sylvia followed the Minotaur who cleared an easy path between the brushes, she gathered the falling twigs for the fire, and came to step beside the much taller Minotaur.

"So what is your name?" The Minotaur glared aside at the female mercenary his eyes brown shining hearing her question. Sylvia offered a smile seeing her own reflection in the innocent eyes that wandered in thought, and then the Minotaur finally released a whisper his voice crude.

"Tizarus Drogz, my name, lady," Sylvia smiled wide holding the Minotaur's shoulder back her voice soft.

"My name is Sylvia Nightshade, it's a pleasure to meet you Tizarus." Sylvia reached a gentle hand then, her fingers thin, and the Minotaur a confused look on his face reached his own hand. His hand was about three times as big as the woman's hand in front of him, he didn't shake it but let her touch engulf his palm, and his eyes stared at her as if smiling.

"Well, I'd like to thank you Tizarus, for helping us back in the inn."

"No thank you, I help new friends, and pretty lady Sylvia." Sylvia blushed at this as she pulled her hand away, the Minotaur smiled at this and then rising his blade struck a new pathway through the thick brushes ahead, the bushes striking his hardened skin as Sylvia followed with a silent step.

"So Tizarus, what are you doing here so far away from your homeland?" Sylvia asked as she followed the Minotaur's trail.

"I was sold to be slave, 30 years ago, me follow masters and sold to someone else, and someone else, and now me here." The Minotaur with a choking accent managed to reply as he fastened his step cutting through the brush.

"30 years?!? Wow that is a long time, why didn't your people come to free you?"

"Well, that because, my people they who sold me." Sylvia went silent for a moment shocked in away not expecting that kind of response.

"I.. I'm sorry, I didn't know." That is all Sylvia managed to mumble her gaze lowered she followed the Minotaur.

"Well Tizarus, I know it doesn't repay for 30 years, but you're free now, once we leave this forest, we will help you if we can." Tizarus halted hearing this and turned his eyes once more staring deep into Sylvia saying so much more than words could describe and he with a certain sadness in his eyes and voice smiled crudely.

"I thank you, but what good to be free, with no pride?"

"I'm sorry Tizarus, if it helps, I want you to know that I understand." The Minotaur didn't offer reply resting the crude blade to his side, and then turning, he walked into the deepening forest, Sylvia following him.

The two continued through the woods in the dark, the slim woman and the huge Minotaur made quite a strange pair, but easy enough the two finally gathered enough firewood. Sylvia tried to take another glance of the Minotaur’s eyes, but he turned as if avoiding her, and after an easy hour the two managed to hunt a couple of rabbits for an easy feast and turned back to join the camping ground.

"Took your time now didn't you?" Jatson gave a notice as he noticed the Minotaur and Sylvia return through the woods with the firewood and smiled seeing the food string carried on Tizarus's back.

Tik awakened Feral then, and took liberty to help skin the rabbits and with a quick hand and Feral at help they roasted the meat releasing a rich-cooking aroma. Tik added spices from one of his pouches, and the companions sat to feast, the dwindling fire enforcing the sweet smelling herbs that Tik threw in free hand. They all ate a mouthful, Tik shared his meet with Feral and the both devoured their share quite quickly.

Tizarus gulped his ration in a seconds match biting and chewing as mannered as he could, he then stopped after finishing his part of the meal and stared somewhat thinking into the fire and the rest of the roasting meat his eyes glistering and miserable. Sylvia ate slowly, she noticed then the Minotaur's gaze, and with a hand offered him part of her ration with a smile. Tizarus tried to resist the offer, but the woman mercenary insisted and the Minotaur ate up his stomach settling and feeling at peace as Sylvia offered him a charming smile.

Fizar didn't eat the meat, but instead made himself soup of some kind, and he ate up somewhat silent listening to the voices of the night.

Jatson for once since the fire strike in the Inn of the Flaming Keg, he seemed somewhat happy and he smiled up. He chattered a bit with the Kender listening a bit to Tik's wild tales of the roads between Balifor to Sancrist, and Feral as well listened intent and the companions laughed through the night.

"I'll tell you this Tik, you might be a lousy story teller, and the most toppling pain in the back side, but I'll hand it to you, you definitely can cook." Tik smiled proudly and Jatson offered a weak smile and then he rose and threw his bone leftovers to the glittering fire, and turned behind the log and sat down his stomach full. Sylvia then pardoned herself as well and turned to join Jatson, and the two Kender took aside asking the old wizard endless question about spells, summoning demons, and things as such.

"Nice to see you back, you know." Sylvia hopped beside Jatson and feel sitting right beside him and she smiled at the warrior whose face for once in a long time the strains and pressure were not detected upon him.

"Well its nice to relax, it's been a while. You do realize that this is not quite over yet though." Jatson pried Sylvia's brown hair back staring into the brown eyes.

"You really think they still chase us?" Sylvia whispered her voice cracking with a sob.

"I don't think they have even began, and I can't say if I know if they will ever stop." Jatson replied with a sigh.

"This is awful Jatson, all the killing and suffering, I don't know how long I could run… and you know that Sarian will coming after us as well, he will stop for nothing." Jatson's face went grim as he heard the dark Warlock's name in mention and he faced Sylvia his eyes serious.

"Yes I realize that Sylvia, it will be hard, and as for Sarian, we will just have to be careful of him, that is if your father hasn't killed him by now." Sylvia eyes watered, she sobbed and then released a cry burying her head into Jatson's shoulder the tears flowing from her eyes in falls.

"I can't go on Jatson, I only put you in danger, I can't stand by and watch you and others die, maybe we should reconsider…"

"Hush, hush. Look at me Sylvia." Sylvia rose her head then her eyes forming little tear rings around her brows; Jatson reached his hand holding her cheek, and with his thumb cleared her tears away.

"I want you to listen to me Sylvia, I promise you, nothing will happen to you, I swear it, I will protect you, all will turn out fine, I promise. But no worry for it now, I want you to sleep, we have some venturing to do in the morning, and I'll need you focused to watch that crazy old man from leading us to the Den pit."


"No but Sylvia, get your sleep, me and the bull-boy will take the first shift, you and the Kender will switch with us in 2 hours time. Now good night and sweet dreams." Sylvia nodded her eyes now dry, and with an easy leap she skipped over the log and wished the Minotaur good sleep and he returned a look as if wandering as why her eyes were watering, but he didn't say a word. The wizard was snoring slightly in his sleep leaning against the tree his staff in grip. The two Kender as well have already gazed into sleep head apart, and Sylvia released a smile giving Jatson a last kiss and she wrapped herself in the cloak he gave her and fell into a comforting sleep. She wasn't awaken as to plan after a two-hour shift, as Jatson stood guard the whole night. He sent the Minotaur to sleep, and not even coming to bother awakening the Kender and he so waited and gazed up tired in the morning, as the first weak sun-rays struck through the trees.


"I surely hope you know where you're going old man." Jatson followed Fizar's step in lead the Minotaur and Kender at the rear as the companions made way through the woods.

The sky took shades of gray, huge clouds forming in horizon signaling of the approaching storm.

The wizard leaning on his staff took determined steps within the forest knowing every curve.

The companions behind him followed the Kender taking halt every minute to admire some plant or another and then run up to join the advancing companions.

"We are around a mid days walking distance, and I'd hurry to walk before it gets dark." Fizar didn't halt as he spoke back, and Jatson passing a glance over Sylvia whom offered nothing but a blunt look and they followed on. The trees began to cringe in distance, soon enough the pale sunlight disappeared amongst the thickening branches, and a certain uncoforting silence engulfed through the woods.

"Is it me, or are the trees coming closer?" That was Tik who skipped with an easy step to join the wizard and warrior in the front his eyes questioning.

"He has a point Jatson, something is really wrong here, I haven't seen a single animal in almost an hour worth of walking, and we already lost track of the sun." Sylvia came beside Tik her senses sharpening, she knew something was wrong, but could not quite detect it and she took a quick step to join beside the Minotaur who walked with a heavy step his eyes blunt ahead.

"Where are you taking us old man?" Jatson also starting to feel certain uncomfort, pulled the wizard back as he took halt.

"We are going to Greenwood stay warrior, our pass seemed to have brought us through the Stalfer clearing."

"The Stalfer clearing?? What in abyss is that suppose to be?" Jatson spat as the 6 companions stopped their step, and then little Tik hopped beside Jatson pulling on his cloak his eyes sparkling.

"Jatson, I know this one, its quite exciting really, Stalfer clearing is where the companions of the lance once passed when they went to save Pax Tharaks, they say that there is a curse on this place, Fizban's curse is what they call it and…." But Jatson turned away from the Kender to face the Wizard as Tik blabbered on senselessly beside him.

"A curse? Care to explain old man?" Jatson stared his face grave at the Wizard who leaned on his staff for rest.

"Well legend says, that years ago during the war of the lance, the heroes of the lance stepped upon these woods on their way to Phax Tharaks, and on their way they were ambushed by a group of Draconians, who's blood stained the grounds upon the clearing. At the time, Paladine in mortal form of a fumbled old man, he came to witness the evil that came out of the land, and in his anger he struck a spell. A web spell that carried through the woods, as punishment of the evil sprouted within, and since then, people say the place crawls with evil, and no mortal soul dares pass." Fizar finished his little story concluding with a grim smile as the companions wandered at this.

"And when were you planning to tell us of this old one?" "I didn't realize you believed in the folk lure and tales, but if you wish, we can turn back and go around the grounds with the storm raging upon us." Jatson frowned at the words as he turned to face the other companions his head in thought. He knew that something not of nature was coming to happen but his focus was shifted with the sound of the Sylvia releasing a shout, and the other companions turned as well.

"What's wrong Sylvia?" Tik was the first to come upon the woman mercenary who shuddered looking around frantic.

"Did you hear that Tik?"

"Hear what Sylvia?" Jatson came beside Sylvia whose eyes were confused and feverishly panicked.

"Something was crawling in the trees, looking at us." Sylvia shuddered glancing to the shadow forming beyond the forest trail. Jatson reached to his sword then pulling it from its sheathe, he tried to see beyond the closely gathered trees but his vision failed him. He preferred to stay on the trail since off it he would have no room to yield a sword for what ever is awaiting there, and with a shrug his eyes still focusing within the darkness he sheathed his sword back in place relaxing back.

"Very well, wizard, pull us through here, I don't want to spend another minute in this damned forest." The wizard nodded his glance in sorts amused, and he turned leaning on his staff the Minotaur and human warrior following behind him.

"Is something wrong Sylvia?" Feral came to stop by the woman warrior who was still staring into the darkening woods, and the woman just smiled weakly at the Kender girl tilting her head.

"Everything is fine Feral, I was just wandering at the meaning of the word Stalfer."

"What does Stalfer mean?" Feral asked as she joined step with the woman to follow the rest.

"It means, in Elven, Spider's nest." Sylvia managed to whisper the last part her voice tumbling and Feral quite confused yet fascinated hurried step as the two came to join the rear of the striding companions ahead.

Within the darkness, a distance away from the gathering companions. Glistering eyes watched with greed penetrating the darkness engulfing. The eyes saw in pentagons and the vision served the blur through the night, crawling and hissing, as the companions took step within the clearing and the creature rubbing its jaws in mass, crawled away within the woods, to bring news to his friends, of forthcoming guests.

Flip a page to the continuation of an enwrapping confrontation in mysterious part in the second part of Fizban's Curse... ENJOY!

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