That's the trouble with creepy crawly things - they just keep coming back. You can squish them underfoot, but they won't die. Even if you cut off their heads, another one tends to sprout.

        The original mudlick's lair can be reached here. But I just needed a little more room.

        Expect more things that go bump in the night to make their way here eventually.

        (Background music)

        So, the real reason we're here. Fanfic and fantasy.

        Women of Fantasy


          1 On my Tripod site. My better things are in here.
          2 Junk that wasn't good enough for the first gallery. And there's lots of junk.


          Suspension of Belief A short Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic.
          Diplomacy Uber-Sailor Moon, very short.
          Everlasting Story based on the S Dub of Sailor Moon.
          The Heart of Snow White Very short Utena story, requires familiarity with the series.
          Naughty Bard Tales A silly adult uber-Xena fairytale.
          Paradise Regained - A follow-up to the issues raised (and unfortunately dismissed) in Paradise Found.
          Triomance Xena/Gabrielle story, comments more than welcome!
          Bridging the Rift An uber-Xena story, about friendship and second chances.
          A Web of Spun Crystal - Uber-Xena/Labyrinth novel. pt 1 pt 2 pt 3

          Of Mars And Moon Uber-Xena series, in progress.

        Other Stories

        Credit where credit is due.

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