The Freighter: This ship does what an average freighter does, however it is ready to fight when necessary having four spiral wave disrupter cannons. It has a small crew compliment, and is very expendible in battle, and otherwise. These ships are used for trading, and as a supply ship, carrying many essential suppies for the Cardassion fleet.

The Galor Class: This is the main ship of the Cardassion Union. Its main weapon and threat is its powerful spiral wave disrupter. The Cardassion military likes these because they are fairly fast and agile along with being a threat. Another class of ship similar to design as this, is the Keldon Class, which is an extremely powerful ship, and is a threat to even a Federation Defiant Class ship. These aren't used too much however, because they are very expensive to build.

The Destroyer: This is a light, inexpensive, relatively weak ship. It carries the basics of a ship and is mainly used for escorting purposes. These are also good border patrol ships, and they make excellent bait when needed. These ships can be used to subjagate planets andtake over systems. They often house a brave crew.