The Jem Hadar Battleship: This ship contains a lot of heavy weapons and poweful stuff to destroy the enemy. There are significantly fewer of these than the fighter, but they are still produced in mass numbers. People in high authority like Weyoun or the Founder Leader or other founders of Vorta in high authority will take command of these massive ships. Another advantage of these is it has hundreds of fighters attacthed to its sides ready to launch into the midst of battle. In a sense, they are like and actually used as mobile starbases. There is another variation on this ship as well. This is an even bigger version of this ship and it leaves total destruction in its wake. |
The Jem Hadar Fighter: This ship is fast and deadly. The Jem Hadar on board this ship are not scared to use it to fly into other ships for suicide missions. These ship are really deadly when they use it to fly into ships hulls. These also make great ships for just regular battles. These ships also pocess the unique ability to detect cloaked ships. There are ways to bypass this technology, but it is still useful. There is also some neat other weapons this ship has. This is the secondary ship used by The Dominion, and is very common throughout their fleets. |