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Ruler of Planet Junk: Captain Zero
Contrary to popular belief, Planet Junk radiates a surprisingly small
amount of residual radiation into space. The decay of old nuclear
reactors falls off at about three hundred miles.  In the scale of space traveling vessels, this distance is not to be concerned about, but the radiation can and will damage unprotected computer equipment.  We found this out for ourselves in an unfortunate accident with Ergsk.  She hasn't been the same since.  We are attempting repairs, however.
Shown here is a spectroscopic map of
Planet Junk and her sister moon,
Isle of Rubbish. The Isle of Rubbish
Was founded by Captain Zero's Co-Pilot,
Cadet Zero. This analysis was taken by
the Outer Rim sattelite Discovery Seven on
the final leg of its outward trip into
intergalactic space. The greens and yellows
are residual radiation, with reds in the
center being the actual radiation of Planet Junk.


Planet Junk has decided to avoid the New Trade Alliance
Treaty, forgoing much of the Empire's New Trade
Benefits in exchange for freedoms such as:
No Toaster Taxes
No Radio Emissions Monitoring
No Radiation Control Spot Checks
Commercial Free Radio Broadcasting
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