More About Me Than You Really Wanted To Know


  Quick summary:

My full name: Benjamin J Quinton
My date of birth: June 11, 1975
My most painful experience: once I was locked inside a car and my dad had to pull me out with a coat hanger.
My favorite line: Geez
I would give anything to meet: God
People often mistake me for: my evil twin
My favorite music & musicians: Industrial, Progressive Trance & House; Underworld, Delerium, Madonna, Paul Oakenfold, Sasha, John Digweed, Paul van Dyk
My favorite movies: The Matrix, the Star Wars trilogies, The City of Lost Children
My favorite performers: Johnnie Depp, Willem DaFoe, Ben Stiller, Christopher Walken
My favorite cuisine: mexican
My favorite dessert: impossible pie
My favorite pigout food: chocolate-covered espresso beans
I can't stand people: who read other people's personal information
I wish I could stop: lying about my personal information
My goal in life: to travel the world
My favorite painters: Larry Elmore, Clyde Caldwell, Keith Parkinson, BROM
I stay home to watch: my cats, Loki and Gotita
My favorite cartoon: Strongbad
The best time in my life: right now
The worst time in my life: probably sixth grade and junior high
My favorite writers: J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, C.S. Lewis, R.A. Salvatore
My favorite books: Ender's Game, Harry Potter series
My favorite hobbies: RPGs (role-playing games) and computer games
My personal heroes: my grandfathers
My favorite songs: Untitled and Just Like Heaven (The Cure)
My favorite models: I think Dark Heaven has the best
My favorite place: home
My most embarrassing moment: Once while doing aerobics in the gym, I pulled a groin muscle. Unfortunately, it belonged to someone else
One thing I could never do: Stop learning or trying new things
My favorite climate: I like the South a lot (both people- and weather-wise)
The worst advice my mother gave me: "Someday you will want to raise your kids the way I raised you!"
My biggest regret in life: not being able to draw or paint well
I drive: a silver Honda Accord (usually)
Three words that best describe me: Intelligent, courteous, relaxed
Currently I'm working on: getting rid of my short attention sp