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Not much is known about Rogue, we donīt know her real name, but we know that her powers emerged early and quickly taught her that she could not touch people without absorbing their memories. She was found by Mystique, who raised Rogue and recruited her as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. During a battle with the original Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers, now Warbird), a disaster occurred: Rogue permanently absorbed Ms. Marvel's powers and memories.rog-14.jpg (21667 bytes) Still unable to control her powers and unable to tell her own memories from those of Danvers, Rogue begged Professor Xavier for help. He admitted her to the X-Men and she has been a loyal, brave and valuable team member ever since.

Now, Rogue, is very important for the X-men and very, very, very important to a man called Gambit. They love each other, but they canīt stay together... :(

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Rogue is invulnerable, superstrong, and has the ability to fly as well. However, her most important talent is her mutant ability to absorb the powers and memories of others with the merest touch. This 'transfer' is usually only temporary, but if Rogue's not careful she could be stuck with a stranger in her head forever! This very fact gained Rogue her invulnerability and strength. During an encounter with Carol Danvers, then known as Ms. Marvel, she permanently absorbed her powers. This extra 'personality' taken from Ms. Marvel also left Rogue with two distinct thought patterns, which Professor Xavier discovered when he first tried to read her mind.
She was a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants while her foster mother Mystique led that group, until the 'war' raging in her head drove her to seek the help of the X-Men. She could no longer tell which thoughts, memories, and emotions were her's and which were Carol's. Her arrival at the X-Mansion caused much unrest among the ranks of the X-Men, but Xavier felt that she was no threat and deserved their help. The X-Men, while reluctant, decided to give her a chance to talk to the Professor. After a long examination, Professor X decided to admit Rogue both to the school and to the X-Men. Then all hell broke loose . . .

Rogue was sent flying right out into space by a mutant named 'Binary'. She quickly returned to the X-Manision rearing to fight, a fight that was quickly broken up by the Professor and the X-Men.roguemodifblack.jpg (16389 bytes) Binary then expressed her disgust that Rogue was accepted into the X-Men. Rogue then asked why someone she had never even met would hate her, and Binary reverted herself back to her true form of, none other than, Carol Danvers. The X-Men now feeling how unfair this all was to Carol, layed out an ultimatem: either us or Rogue. The Professor, still in Rogue's corner (thank goodness), stated how Ororo had fought tooth and nail to get Wolverine accepted, not for 'his sterling character, but his potential for good'. The X-Men realizing that their leader was right, backed down from their threat, but Carol, having no ties to the X-Men, decided to leave.


With only a short probationary period ahead of her, Rogue had survived her initiation into the X-Men, and is still with them today.

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