1-24-2003 12:45
(The first one ever on paper).
So, OK, I hate women. Girls, anyway. I was just informed that I've been being "really creepy" recently. What the fuck?!! As far as I know, I wasn't being any different than normal. Granted, a lot of girls seem to find me creepy normally, but I've known these two for a while. And now, suddenly, not only am I creepy, I'm really creepy. I don't get it. I mean, it's bad enough normally, with all the girls who think I'm creepy, and no one to ever tell me why. But now, two that I've known a couple years, one I considered a best friend, have decided I'm really creepy. And all I got out of the one I considered a best friend so far is "I don't want to talk about this here." Where then, huh? My computer's broken. I don't really want to call you, because that might just add to my creepiness. (I hope I can read this later when I'm trying to type it.) And if they both think I'm so creepy, why did the other one go swimming with us last night... in that! Maybe to see if I'd be creepy? Oops, seems I failed the test if they ever read this, I guess. Or if fucking Brandon tells them what I said last night. Fuck. This is so lame. This hasn't even worked much to diminish my anger and frustration, but I think I'll stop. ::throws pen across room::
(1-24 12:59)