My Heartfelt Thanks...
(heartfelt nalang)
            I would like to thank a few(?) people or whatever for helping me with this site. It's really not that great but who cares...
GOD. For everything. :)

I would like to thank my
SCHOOL for putting up or whatever our wonderful section.

YR2GREEN. For the wonderful times together and for some of your help  in making this.

ANNA. For your poems and your help in making this homepage and also your ideas about whatsoever...

HAZEL. For helping me describe the each and everyone in our class.
And for your poem...

MIKI. For scanning some of the pictures, hope you can scan more pictures to be put up and thank you so much for the grammar check coz im juz to lazy to check it myself. hahahA

EDZ and REGINA. For lending me some of your pictures to be placed in here, for the help, whatsoever..

LAUREN. For lending me some of your artworks that are found somewhere in here. Keep up the good work in whatever you do.

JEESH. FOr telling me to put you here(?) hehehe thanx babes! hehe >:)

else who helped/contributed or whatever. Sorry if your namez aint here but thanx anywayz.

Luv Ya Alwayz