
A shadow falls,
A sinister shape appears,
In a land of fantasy.

Where the world is young and innocent,
Where a gallop might be something other than just an equine,
In a land where birds don't just sing their messages,
Where evil tries to thrive, but never in peace.

One shape is to save and the other to destroy,
Evil has been done,
The alarm for justice sounds,
Its sound unberriable to evil,
It destroys the mind and sickens the dark soul.

A glimmer from something ment to ruin and slay,
It's weilder controls it and dispatches through it,
The heart sick, knowing not of right.

One follows to fulfill a vow,
It's heart filled with ideas of this world,
To never stop on one's word,
And follow the heart unless it is wrong.

But in this fantasy
There are those who destroy,
Those who help destroy,
But in all fantasy there is a hero,
However different they may be,
All they need is heart and a reason to save.

       -Anna 10/15/96
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