aim-1's home

Well met! This is the small corner of cyberspace that I, Matthew Aimone, call home.

Here you will find all manner of things that interest me. Why? Because it's my website, that's why. I can do what I like with it, thank you very much.

This site has been under construction pretty much since I started making it ten years ago, and has undergone many changes. There are still probably broken links and things I always meant to include but didn't. I will probably keep adding to it now, though, since I started practically from scratch some time ago.

To navigate my website, please see the menu at left, which I have thoughtfully placed on every page (with a few notable exceptions...). Or, you can check out my sitemap. Please note that the site was created using style sheets and javascript, with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 as a visual guide, so if your browser doesn't like that, you might have some difficulty with my website; however, most browsers today default to handle both pretty nicely. Concordantly, I have done my best to make the site viewable for most.

aim-1's menu:

All content © 2004 Matthew T Aimone, except as specified. See full disclaimer.