Green-Eyed Monster

"When I tell people to leave town, I don't mean for a month or two!"

The tiny blonde girl placed both hands on her hips and glared.

The object of her attention barely lifted his head; but his voice still retained an edge of the old defiance. "I do as I please."

Somewhat surprisingly, she found herself glad to hear that tone. She hadn't seen her mortal enemy in several months, and he
looked...somehow...beaten. Like all the cockiness had been knocked out of him; and she discovered she missed it. Oh, not his homicidal tendencies, especially when they were directed at her- but that insouciant quality, that ability to laugh and quip even when things were deadly she missed that!

So she frowned at him, and cautiously leaned against a nearby tombstone.

"What happened with Drusilla?" she asked, her voice a fraction less hostile. "You were off to look for her, last time I saw you."

"Yeah. Well, I found her," he said flatly.

She pursed her luscious pink mouth. "No good?"

Spike shrugged impatiently. "I didn't say that."

"Then, you're looking like a sick cat because?" Buffy prompted, wondering why she even cared. "Maybe you need that love spell, after all?"

Spike laughed bitterly. "Why not? I've tried everything else!"

Buffy's eyes widened. "Everything??!" she squeaked.

He had to laugh at that; and after a minute she joined in.

"Dru's still with me,'s just...not the same," he admitted despondently. "I don't think she...loves me anymore."

Buffy felt unaccountably sad for him; as well as a bit surprised that he'd confide in her so much.

Spike was still speaking. "If only I knew how to get her back...get everything back...the way we were."

"If Streisand and Redford couldn't do it, what makes you think you can?" Buffy asked absently.

"Are you...laughing at me?" he asked menacingly, getting slowly to his feet.

Buffy shrugged. "Actually, I WAS planning to help you!"

He stood still, his face reflecting his amazement. "Help Why would you help me?"

Buffy stared straight into the vampire's eyes. "Because. I don't want you, or ANYONE, to be alone."

Spike considered her with a new interest. "Uh, not that I don't appreciate the offer, Slayer, but...HOW will you help me?"

"I'm not sure," she shrugged, "but I figure between the two of us we ought to come up with something better than a love spell!"

Spike was doubtful. "I don't see what! I've tried groveling, and catering to her every whim. I've given her everything she wants, like plenty of torture, and dead animals, and dresses for Miss Edith. Nothing, NOTHING works!"

"That's it! Don't you see?" Buffy bounced over to Spike excitedly. "You're doing everything FOR her, making her the center of your life!"

"She IS the center of my life," Spike pointed out.

"But you don't need to let her know it, do you? Take charge! Play hard to get!"

"You mean...ignore her?" Spike said dubiously.

Buffy's eyes danced. "Better than that...make her jealous! Let her think you're getting interested in somebody else! The Green-eyed Monster will do the rest! "

Spike raised his eyebrows. "That's fine in theory, pet, but...who?"

"What other girls do you know?" Buffy inquired.

Spike refused to meet her eyes. "Uh...well, I don't usually...uh..."

Buffy looked startled. "Why, you don't know any other girls, do you?"

"Not really," he mumbled defensively. "I...was always completely faithful to Dru; never wanted to be with anyone else. I never even thought of anyone else!"

She regarded him for a long moment. "I think that's sweet."

Spike brightened. "You do?"

She nodded. "Any woman would. But, that doesn't help with our problem...finding another girl for you. Preferably, someone that Drusilla absolutely can't stand."

"There isn't anyone," he sighed. "The only one Dru truly despises is you."

His entire body went rigid in shock. "You," he breathed, investing the single word with a wealth of meaning.

"Now, wait just a minute!" Buffy objected, alarmed. "Me Slayer, you vampire. Mortal enemies, remember?"

"I thought you wanted to help me?" he countered.

"Well, sure, but..."

"But, the minute we come up with a feasible plan, you want to back out?"

"I didn't say that! And- did you say a FEASIBLE plan? What makes you think Drusilla will believe you're attracted to me, anyway? You're always trying to kill me!"

"If Angelus can be attracted to you, why not me? Where IS that wanker, anyway?" Spike demanded.

"Gone to L.A.," she confessed. "Things were...getting out of hand, so he left."

There was a flicker of something that might have been sympathy in his eyes; but he said, "And I'll leave too, luv, if you do this. I promise I'll go and take Dru with me."

Buffy sighed. "Well, that would make life simpler, I suppose."

"So, you'll do it?" Spike asked, so enthusiastically she had to laugh.

"Okay," she agreed, "but don't you even think about biting me; or you and I will have a serious falling-out!"

"Don't worry, Slayer," he promised happily. "I'll behave. So, what do we do first?"

"Spike?" Drusilla looked at him expectantly.

Then she got a shock; not only didn't he answer- he didn't even seem to hear her!

"Spike!" she repeated, her voice shrill with insistence.

He glanced up, absently. "Did you say something, pet?"

"Yes, and you didn't listen," she said reproachfully. He ALWAYS listened to everything she said.

Spike opened his mouth to apologize, recalled the Slayer's instructions, and said, "Guess my mind was elsewhere, Dru."

"Elsewhere?" she asked incredulously. "What was my Spike thinking about?"

Spike kept his face impassive; but noted that Dru was calling him "my Spike" for the first time in months.

"Did I mention I met the Slayer last night, ducks?"

"The Slayer?" she asked suspiciously. "Did you fight?"

"No," he said calmly. "We chatted a bit, and she said Angelus had left her...gone off somewhere." Spike wasn't stupid enough to tell Drusilla where.

"Can you imagine that, pet? I can't believe that he would ever leave her, not unless he lost his soul again. I mean, just LOOK at her!"

Dru's dark eyes flashed with rage. "My Spike thinks the Slayer is pretty? My Spike...fancies the Slayer?"

"Now, pet, I didn't say that!" Spike protested. "Oh, I suppose SOME men might consider her attractive..." he paused... "IF they had eyes!"

Fury distorted Dru's pale face; and Spike feared he'd gone too far.

"Perhaps my Spike thinks the Slayer more beautiful than me?" Dru insinuated, grasping his shoulder painfully.

Automatically, Spike patted her hand before she could rip his shoulder open. "I didn't say that either, Dru! Really, the two of you are so different, it's hard to compare you."

It was, he realized. Strange...he'd only just come to understand that he'd meant every word he said to Dru.

He thought about the two of them- Dru and Buffy.

Drusilla, with her moon-pale skin and hypnotic eyes...her insane ramblings that nevertheless held a kernal of truth. And Buffy- golden and glowing, armored in her grace and her strength, her wit and her skill, yet with a hint of vulnerability in those luminous green eyes. Eyes that a man could drown in....

Dru loved and needed him; at least, she had once. But Buffy...Buffy was fun! Sometimes, even the thought of her made him grin appreciatively. And she was as unpredictible as Dru, in her way. Who'd ever have thought that she'd be willing to help him straighten out his love life!

Especially since it was clear her own was far from satisfactory. Of course, Spike thought, even at his most devoted, Angelus had never been much for fun. Wonder if he ever took her someplace, ANY place, where she could forget about slaying duties for awhile? Where she could laugh, and dance, and be young and pretty and carefree?

Spike wouldn't have wagered tuppence on the chance! He was still thinking about that the following night, when he met the Slayer in the playground.

"It's working," he told her. "Dru's watching me like a hawk."

"Perfect," she approved. "C'mon, let's's time for phase two!"

"Phase two?" he asked, falling into step beside her.

"We'll go to the Bronze," Buffy decided. "There's usually a vamp or three hanging around there; somebody is sure to see us and tell Drusilla."

The Bronze was crowded; and Spike spotted several vampires lurking. The two of them entered separately; and Spike went to the bar, where he pretended not to see one of Dru's fledglings, a vampire named Amanda.

Amanda's eyes were as big as saucers when Spike walked up to the Slayer, and took her hand. And pulled her out onto the dance floor.

"You dance the same way you fight, Slayer," Spike whispered. "It's lethal!"

He wasn't certain, but thought she blushed a little.

Suddenly he was sorry the band was playing so fast; he longed for something slower. Watching the way she moved to the music, he ached to hold her.

As if in response to his wish, the music slowed, became languorous and sensual.

Buffy stared at him, wide-eyed, as he put both arms around her and pulled her close.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" he murmured against her fair, fragrant hair.

She was surprised, and a bit shy...sweet nothings in her ear hadn't been part of their scheme.

She pulled herself together, and answered lightly, "No, but I'm happy to hear it. I did my best."

"And your best is very, very good, cutie," he acknowledged, silently admiring her spruce-green slip dress and high-heeled sandals. Spike felt oddly pleased that she'd taken the trouble to dress up for him; it made this a genuine date.

The idea lingered in his mind; what would she say, if he ever asked her for a date?

Their bodies fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw, making him feel curiously complete to be holding her. As if they could stay this way forever....

"It's ...weird. Our doing this. I mean, isn't it?" Buffy asked anxiously, lifting her pretty face to his.

"Right," he agreed quickly; yet he couldn't help thinking, You know the weirdest part, Slayer? It's starting to feel...NOT so weird at all!

They had decided to have one dance- just enough to make Drusilla uneasy; but somehow, that one dance led to another. And then another.

It shocked them both to learn that the Bronze was ready to close....

"We've been here three hours!" Buffy was stunned at how the time had flown.

"Almost four," Spike pointed out, though he could scarcely believe it himself. "We'd best be off, luv. We intended to make Dru jealous, NOT homicidal."

"She's already homicidal," Buffy muttered.

She was.

Drusilla flew screeching at Spike the minute he walked in the door.

"It was just a," Spike told her guility.

"Are you going to kill the Slayer?" Dru shrilled. "Kill her for princess, Spike!"

"I will, ducks," he lied, "when the time is right. I'll kill her like I did the others."

His words seemed to mollify her, and she said no more. But still, Spike was aware of a lingering uneasiness.

However, his accomplice seemed to find Dru's reaction very encouraging. "She's practically green, she's so jealous," Buffy pointed out. "I'd say it's time for the next step."

"Which is?" Spike asked, trying not to sound too eager.

Buffy giggled. "Meet me at the Bronze later tonight; and you'll find out!"

His mouth quirked as he studied her lovely, mischievous face. "You're enjoying this, aren't you, kitten?"

"Why would you think that?" she asked innocently. "I ALWAYS spend my nights trying to entice my mortal enemy!"

Drusilla's face was pinched and tight with jealousy. "My Spike, you're going out again?"

"Just for a little while, pet." The lie came pat to him; he was getting used to it.

"You'll have the minions for company," he suggested, knowing full well that she sometimes took one of them into her bed. That used to be a source of torment to him. Not lately though. Not since he'd begun his deception with the Slayer.

At the Bronze he searched for her avidly, no longer troubling to conceal his purpose. Finally he spotted her, clad in a black silk camisole and matching pants. She was dancing with a dark-haired young man whose eyes were devouring in their intensity.

Almost, Spike went vamp! But he managed to gain control of himself as he seized the Slayer's arm and hauled her roughly away from her partner.

"Dance with me!" he growled.

"Hey!" the boy objected loudly. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Reclaiming my girl, mate." Spike's eyes narrowed dangerously, as his temper flared. He was spoiling for a fight; and he really hoped the whelp would give him an excuse.

Buffy intervened hastily. "It's ok, Scott. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

Scowling, Spike pulled Buffy closer. "Who was that wanker?" he demanded angrily.

She frowned at him. "Just one of the boys at school. We used to date for awhile, but then he dumped me."

"DUMPED you?" Spike's jaw clenched with rage. "Did you sleep with him? Tell me!"

"What? Of course not!" Buffy exclaimed. "We only went out a few times; he said I was very...distracted, was right when Angel returned from hell, and I was trying to keep the others from finding out."

Spike relaxed slightly. "He's not for you," he said flatly. "I suppose now the bloody fool has realized his mistake, and wants you back. Bugger that!"

The Slayer stared at him in astonishment. "Arrogant much?"

Spike forced himself to get a grip; what did he care if other blokes tried to make up to the Slayer? The last thing he wanted was to make her angry with him; and she looked annoyed.

"Sorry," he muttered grudgingly.

Mollified, she slipped her arms around him, molding her body to his. He closed his eyes, enjoying the unaccustomed warmth and the lingering vanilla scent that clung to her skin. He brought his hand up, brushing back her silky hair in a gesture that held a reluctant tenderness.

He sneaked a quick glance at her...her eyes were almost shut, her soft mouth temptingly near... he touched his lips to hers.

He half-expected her to jerk away; instead, her arms tightened around him...and she kissed him back.

Locked together, part fearful and part daring, they deepened the kiss...mouths and hands exporing eagerly.

Buffy pulled away at last, gasping for air; and Spike grinned in triumph. But she didn't return his smile, and her gaze remained steady. "I guess that was phase three," she managed coolly.

Spike's smile faded. "I guess."

Buffy took a single step back. "Let me know how it worked...with Drusilla."

Speechless, he watched her turn and walk away.

There was nothing more for him to do but to return home to Drusilla.

"Spike!" she hissed. "You are like my Angel, both reeking of the Slayer!"

She grasped the lapels of his leather coat. "Tell me, Spike. Miss Edith said the Slayer has won you away...but Miss Edith spoke out of turn! She shall have no cake for tea."

"I'm here, baby," Spike reassured her. He pulled her close, then frowned- her body felt cold and smooth like a snake. Where was the warmth he'd begun to crave?

He gritted his teeth in frustration; of course Drusilla wouldn't be warm, she was a vampire! What was the matter with him?

"My Spike," Dru murmured, pressing against him. "It's been so long; have you missed your princess?"

"Of course I have, my black goddess," Spike responded mechanically. He had; hadn't he?

Drusilla smiled and took his hand, pulling him into the bedroom.

Buffy sighed and picked up her jacket; she should never have come to the Bronze tonight.

But she'd been feeling depressed all day long in school, and she'd thought that perhaps it would lift her spirits. Besides, she had to admit, she'd been hoping Spike would show and tell her if the scheme to make Drusilla jealous had been successful.

But there was no sign of him; which might be an answer in itself.

Buffy gave up and made her way home. Her house was dark- her mother was still in L.A. Wearily she climbed the stairs and entered her bedroom, not bothering to turn on the light. She shed her jacket; and kicked off her shoes.

"It's about bloody time!" snapped a familiar voice.

Buffy gasped and whirled. "Spike!"

He was lounging on her bed, as relaxed as a cat. "I hope you weren't out dancing with that wanker!'

She lifted her chin. "So what if I was?"

Spike's face tautened, and he stabbed out his cigarette with a short, vicious jab.

"Hey!" the Slayer noticed. "Who said you could smoke in here?"

He ignored that. "If I... ever... find you with someone else, luv, you'll wish you'd never been born! Is that clear?"

Buffy's jaw dropped. "What? I thought Drusilla was the one who was supposed to get jealous!"

"Oh, she did." Spike smirked, his anger fading abruptly. "In fact, she was all over me last night."

"Ohhh..." Buffy's eyes widened, "...then...then, you...the two of you probably..."

"Yes, pet?" he asked encouragingly.

She shrugged, stiffly, refusing to look at him. "Well....well, that's good! That's...what you wanted."

"Uh-huh," he agreed. He started to reach for another cigarette, remembered where he was, and stopped.

"Thanks to YOUR idea," he emphasized.

"And it worked." To her horror, Buffy felt her throat tightening and her eyes filling with tears. She would not, WOULD NOT cry in front of him, she vowed.

"Only one problem, luv. Nothing happened."

For a minute she wasn't certain she had heard him correctly; her eyes flew to his smiling face.

"Nothing," he repeated, holding her gaze. "Buffy..."

Somehow her traitorous feet carried her over to him. "You mean, you didn't....?"

One strong arm shot out and closed about her wrist, pulling her forward onto the bed.

"Ooof!" Buffy landed beside him, momentarily breathless.

"No." Spike kissed her, hard. "We..." kiss... "didn't"...kiss..."do"...kiss..."anything!"

She gazed up at him with shining eyes. "I was so jealous," she whispered.

"So who's the green-eyed monster?" he teased, deliberately starting to unbutton her dress.

"Spike! What are you doing?" Buffy cried. But then she lifted her arms to assist him. He grinned happily, then kissed her again.

"You know, kitten, I think we should move on to phase four..."

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