Title: Ripper In Mourning

Author: Sandra S

Disclaimer: Characters created by Joss Whedon for Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Distribution: If you want it, take it

Summary: Giles returns to England following Buffy's death in The Gift.

Someone once likened London to a gigantic Christmas box, filled with surprises. I suppose our being her, together again, is another?

No? You're not surprised to see me?

Well, perhaps not. After all, you know me very well indeed. Better than anyone else...

Yes, of course I'm glad! You'll understand, if anyone possibly can, why I had to come back.

It's raining again. The sky has been that gunmetal gray tone all week, the streets are filled with black brollys.

What a relief.

In California it's so bright all the time. But it suited her, she was a child of sunshine. Odd, isn't it, when so much of her short life was spent in the dark?

Once she was gone I couldn't stay on there, even though the others looked so ...betrayed.

Willow...you recall Willow? The red-haired girl, quite promising. But she was stricken when I told her I was returning to England. In that instant she looked just as Diedre used to.

Yes, I do remember that time in Majorca when Deidre danced naked on the sand! It's still a good memory. But her look when I rejected her was identicla to Willow's on that afternoon, when I left Sunnydale forever.

Yes, I understand you can't share my attachment to the place; but it was the ...culmination ...of my life.

All those things I'd pushed aside in England were awaiting me there. A home, a family, and...validation.

She was so very good at the job, you see.

That's what made me strong, made me special- and finally brought me back to London to head the Council.

Yes, isn't it delicious? Travers is out, I'm in. I've reched the pinnacle, you might say.

But of course you'd say nothing of the sort.

The pub is closing, there's last call. Tomorrow?

Yes, same time.

Tomorrow there'll be a letter from California; one of them writes each week.

Hmmm? Oh, can't imagine. I never read them.

No, never.

Ha! You see, you CAN be surprised, after all.

There's only one person I want to hear from, and she is dust and ashes.

What troubles me most is the sense that I failed her.

Yes, because I was a coward. I didn't want to lose control.

But you're quite right, Ethan. I should have unleashed Ripper. And then all would have been well, because he'd have been able to deal with Dawn properly.

Ripper would have strangled the little bitch.

The End