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Wecome to Fujisawaland!
I the GREAT Fujisawa was bored one day and decided to make this! The incredible Fujisawaland. I personally have dug through the net jungle and have collected the greatest anime pics, games and other neat stuff on the net. Hopefully you will find all that you need, if not I should have a link to it. Well I'll let you get to a'serfing, if there is anything wrong please mail me
here. If you would like you can go to my friends Washu's. Please take a look at all my pages, rings, and other stuff. Well I hope you enjoy your stay here. Later!
Oh and P.S. tell your friends about this place and sign my guestbook. Thanks!
Ok, people. here's the news. I am about to move to another address shortly do to annoying errors from geocities and limtited space. As of now I am moving to, it is a new url that me and my friends made. It will have my site along with a few others up on it very soon. As before please tell me if there arny problems you find on this page. Also check out my new link below to ynotanime, you can find many other cool site there. Later!
Sorry...for I.E. 4.0 or higher. I'm working on the enterance for you netscapers. Make sure you check out my new Trigun section.       Enter If you get any errors when you enter, it is not my html it is the stupid geocities addition. Just cancel the debug and it should work fine.
Mail your teacher!
Take a little time and  talk to your good friend Fujisawa! :~)
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